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资料题:According to the passe, during the Civil War the South no longer provided the North with(  )。







The military aspect of the United States Civil War has always attracted the most attention from scholars.The roar of gunfire, the massed movements of uniformed men, the shrill of bugles, and the drama of hand-to-hand combat have fascinated students of warfare for a century.Behind the lines, however, life was less spectacular.It was the story of back-breaking labor to provide the fighting men with food and arms, of nerve-tingling uncertainty about the course of national events, of heartbreak over sons or brothers or husbands lost in battle.If the men on the firing line won the victories, the means to those victories were forged on the home front.Never in the nation's history had Americans worked harder for victory than in the Civil War.Northerners and Southerners alike threw themselves into the task of supplying their respective armies.Both governments made tremendous demands upon civilians and, in general, received willing cooperation.By 1863 the Northern war economy was rumbling along in high gear.Everything from steamboats to shovels was needed and produced.Denied Southern cotton, textile mills turned to wool for blankets and uniforms.Hides by the hundreds of thousands were turned into shoes andharness and saddles, ironworks manufactured locomotives, ordnance, armor plate.Where private enterprise lagged, the government set u its own factories or arsenals.Agriculture boomed, with machinery doing the job of farm workers dawn into the army.In short, everything that a nation needed to fight a modem war was produced in uncountednumbers.Inevitably there were profiteers with gold-headed canes and flamboyant diamond stickpins, but for every crooked tycoon there were thousands of ordinary citizens living on fixed incomes who did their best to cope with rising prices and still make a contribution to the war effort.Those who could bought war bonds; others kitted, sewed, nursed, or lent any other assistance in their power.


  • 1With what topic is the passage primarily concerned(  )。

    A.Why the South lost the Civil War

    B.The causes of the Civil War

    C.Where the Civil War battles were fought

    D.The civilian response to the Civil War

  • 2Which of the following conclusions can be logically drawn from the passage(  )。

    A.The South lost the war partly because it lacked popular support

    B.The economy of the South was flexible enoughto support the war efforts

    C.The North owed its victory party to the adjustability of its economy

    D.The economic structure in the North hindered the logistics of the army

  • 3The phrase" in high gear" in Pangraph3, sentence 1 is closest in meaning to(  )。

    A.in reasonable expenses

    B.at high costs

    C.in efficient operation

    D.based on public donation

  • 4The author implies that students of the Civil War usually concentrate on the(  )。

    A.home front



