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According to UC Berkeley’s new findings, the benefit of a nap is that ________.


A.it helps to fix a napper’s sleep-wake cycle

B.it makes hard learning tasks not difficult any more

C.it allows the brain to make room for new learning

D.it gives nappers chances to clear their memory storage


  • 1Matthew Walker’s study shows that ________.

    A.learning ability in the morning is usually higher than that in the afternoon

    B.extra working hours before an exam can make up for the lack of daily efforts

    C.the size of the effects of napping depends on when it is taken

    D.staying up late before an exam does not necessarily improve students’ exam performance

  • 2The two research teams mentioned in the text may both agree that ________.

    A.people’s sleep-wake cycle decides the length of the midday nap

    B.sufficient sleep betters people’s learning performance

    C.scientific experiments are undependable as the results are often hard to judge

    D.the differences in their findings result from different methods applied

  • 3What can we learn from this passage、

    A.Rolling your eyes can stop you from napping.

    B.Some people might move themselves when sleeping.

    C.College students tend to study late into night before important exams.

    D.Sleeping once over 24 hours is much better than daytime napping.

  • 4Scientists and experts have proved that the pattern of a human being’s finger skin ________.

    A.is similar to his mother’s

    B.is valuable to himself only

    C.is like that of others with the same type of blood

    D.is different from that of all others

  • 5If your fingers are wounded by knife, fire or other means, the structure of skin will ________.

    A.be changed partly

    B.be replaced by a different one

    C.be the same when the wound is recovered

    D.become ugly
