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According to Paragraph 4, what’s Jovce’s opinion about life in 1900、


A.There were fewer problems for the family

B.Life was simpler but worse than it is now

C.There were things she liked and disliked

D.The family had more time to stay together


  • 1While the Bowler family was living in 1900 house,_____.

    A.the mother spent more time on housework

    B.the two children wore the then clothes for school

    C.they prepared their meals together on a stove

    D.they ate simple foods they had never seen

  • 2When was duet most probably found to be the very hero、

    A.the day when he was leaving for home.

    B.a couple of days after the girl was rescued

    C.the first day when he was in New York

    D.the same day when he was interviewed.

  • 3Who divide after duret into the river to save the little girl、

    A.David Anderson

    B.a passer-by

    C.his girlfriend

    D.a taxi driver.

  • 4What did duret do shortly after the ambulance came、

    A.He was interviewed by a newspaper

    B.He asked his girlfriend for his dry clothes

    C.He went to the hospital in the ambulance

    D.He disappeared from the spot quickly

  • 5why was Duret in NewYork、

    A.To meet his girlfriend

    B.To work as an engineer

    C.To spend his holiday

    D.To visit the Andersons.

  • 6What would Hilary expect most from modern life in the three months、

    A.To play computer games

    B.To make phone calls

    C.o listen to music

    D.To chat on the Internet

  • 7What does the underlined word “correspondence” in the Paragraph 1 probably mean、





  • 8According to the text, what is the major cause of the flooding spam、

    A.Companies rely on e-mail for communications.

    B.More people in the world communicate by e-mail.

    C.Many computer viruses contain spam e-mail.

    D.More advertisers begin to promote sales through spam.

  • 9According to Paragraph 3,who is the final victim of spam、

    A.The business

    B.The advertiser

    C.The employee

    D.The consumer

  • 10What is the purpose of the text、

    A.To inform

    B.To educate

    C.To persuade

    D.To instruet
