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在项目没有预测备料的情况下,要缩短供货周期,合理可行的方案有_____ If it required to reduce the material supplying cycle in the case of no spare materials forecasting, the reasonable and feasible proposals contain_____


A.尽早给物流提供工程计划,以便合理安排供货。Provide the engineering plan to Logistics as soon as possible, in order to arrange the material supplying reasonably.

B.及时、准确提供工勘 Provide the accurate site survey report in time.

C.尽量使用标配设备和物料 Use standard configured equipment and materials as much as possible.

D.抢占其他项目资源 Occupy other project resources.

E.减少配置及工勘变更 Reduce the alteration of configuration and site survey.


  • 1项目执行中制约合同齐套发货的主要因素有哪些、 In project implementation, The main factor to restrict full delivery are _____.

    A.物料齐套性 Whole set of material

    B.工程计划 Engineering pla

    C.合同交付条款 Contract delivery clause

    D.工勘报告提交及时性与准确性 The accuracy and timeliness of site survey report.

  • 2三级模式中所谓的“铁三角”,包括What composed the iron triangle in ZTE 3-level project management model、

    A.项目指导委员会 steering committee

    B.合同交付负责人 principal of contract implementatio

    C.市场商务负责人 principalof marketing and business affairs

    D.技术方案负责人 principal of technical scheme

  • 3铁塔基础验收时,土建施工单位应交验的技术文件有哪些? What technical documents should the civil work construction team submit when the tower foundation is being checked and accepted、

    A.设计文件(包括设计变更单) design files(inculding design change sheets

    B.材料质量证明书 material quality report

    C.隐蔽工程记录 covered work report

    D.混凝土抗压强度试验报告 concrete compressive strength report

  • 4那些工作是工程结束以后需要移交给维护团队的?What works should be taken over by AMC(Annual Maintenance Contract) team when engineering work is finished、

    A.竣工材料Project Completeness Documents

    B.工程遗留问题engineering pending issues

    C.开通设备Running Equipments

    D.备板备件 Spare parts

    E.技能technical knowledge

  • 5初验应参加的角色是:Who should participate the Provisional Acceptance.

    A.项目经理project manager

    B.工程实施经理engineering implementation manager

    C.工程技术经理engineering technical manager

    D.客户代表Customer Representative

  • 6项目质量控制包括哪三个主要内容? Which three main contents does the project quality control include、

    A.质量计划 Quality pla

    B.质量宣传 Quality publicatio

    C.质量策划 Quality planning

    D.质量保证 Quality assurance

    E.质量控制Quality control

    F.质量检查Quality inspectio

  • 7项目组内部工作规范,至少应包括 ______。Project team's inner working rules and regulations should include ____ at least.

    A.日常信息交流制度 rules on daily information communications

    B.周报周例会制度 rules on weekly report and weekly meeting

    C.绩效考核制度 rules on performance evaluatio

    D.财务报销和费用控制制度 rules on reimbursement and expense controlling

    E.后勤管理制度(用食宿等) rules on logistics management (for car usage,room and board,etc)
