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In the author’s view,science-fiction movies


A.assure us of the scientific miracles created.

B.predict likely advances in human experiences.

C.offer invented stories concerning man’s fate.

D.B.predict likely advances in human experiences.C.offer invented stories concerning man’s fat

E.D.signify human powers to a fantastic extent.


  • 1Which of the following statements best summarizes the chief ideas of the text、

    A.Publicity law is an appropriate legal remedy for public figures.

    B.Approaches to publicity law cases contradict free trade interests.

    C.The legal issues about the right of publicity are unresolved fully.

    D.The promotion of creative endeavor justifies the right of publicity.

  • 2Which of the following would most reasonably call upon the “right of publicity”、

    A.A famous athlete plans to design and market a line of sportswear.

    B.The work of a celebrated screen actor is re-edited after his death.

    C.A portion of a professor’s book is cited in a student’s paper.

    D.The image of a TV host is used in an ad campaign for a drug.

  • 3We learn that a feature of “devisability”(Par.5) is the ability to be

    A.split into diverse legal entities.

    B.assigned by the celebrity’s will.

    C.structured in several equal shares.

    D.traded with the owner’s permission.

  • 4The text implies that the judicial response to “right of publicity” issues has been





  • 5According to the author, privacy laws are inadequate for celebrities because

    A.individuals lose privacy rights by becoming public figures.

    B.stars wish to create higher value by keeping from the publi

    C.C.the unauthorized use of celebrities’images is beyond remedy.

    D.economic issues inherent in their fame are ignored by the laws.

  • 6In science-fiction movies,man can find

    A.fantasies that may relieve his anxiety for future existence.

    B.forecasts that his domination will be extended indefinitely.

    C.promises that his swelling demands will be fully satisfie

    D.D.assurances that confirm the importance of moral principles.

  • 7The movies such as Star Wars

    A.fail to reflect contemporary problems for their transience.

    B.fail to free their subjects from issues of man’s concerns.

    C.succeed in depicting magic scenes irrelevant to the past.

    D.succeed in offering imaginary visions irrespective of reality.

  • 8The theme of modern myths could be drastically changed

    A.only if the struggle for good life were fully discarded.

    B.if only the conflict between good and evil had ceased.

    C.on condition that man as he is now became extinct.

    D.provided that average people were converted to angels.

  • 9The quotes from Tolstoy are used to

    A.reinforce the author’s account about visual art.

    B.provide fresh points about the moving picture.

    C.define the basic characteristics of art activities.

    D.describe the requirements for the art transmission.

  • 10The text is primarily intended to

    A.sketch a plan to delay exhaustion of existing resources.

    B.warn of the consequence of overexploiting oil reserves.

    C.introduce more efficient techniques for oil exploration.

    D.analyse economic factors in oil production and depletion.
