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In the text, the author mainly deals with.


A.the necessity of drama in a culture

B.some social functions of dramas

C.the responsibility of dramatists

D.some key elements in drama-making


  • 1The word “crisis” (in the last line but one, paragraph 3) most probably implies.

    A.a dangerous moment

    B.the last decision

    C.the crucial point

    D.a brave engagement

  • 2A dramatist usually .

    A.clarifies the complicated relationship in his drama

    B.makes the relationship in his drama more complicated

    C.hopes to see his protagonist win an easy victory

    D.likes to present his protagonist as threatening fellows

  • 3A drama is arranged mainly in accordance with.

    A.the will of the dramatist

    B.the sequence of events

    C.the law of dramatic art

    D.the need of performance

  • 4According to the first paragraph of the text, a dramatist.

    A.seldom believes what he writes about

    B.portrays what he experiences in the drama

    C.concerns himself with the results of human effort

    D.tries to convince his audience of what he believes

  • 5We learn from the first two paragraphs that.

    A.the evidence should have been made available to the Parliament

    B.the necessity of war has been exaggerated by the Committee

    C.Blair had purposely ignored some of the intelligence he received

    D.it was The Independent that first revealed the intelligence

  • 6The author thinks that the Hutton enquiry is.

    A.also beside the mark

    B.hopelessly wrong

    C.illuminating in its way

    D.wide in scope

  • 7By “chose to become entangled” (Line 4,Paragraph 3), the author implies that.

    A.the dispute between the Government and the BBC was unnecessary

    B.the Foreign Affairs Committee had mixed up the argument

    C.it was entirely wrong to carry out such investigations

    D.the Intelligence Committee shouldn’t mix up with the affair

  • 8It can be learned from Paragraph 4 that.

    A.most ministers were suspicious of Hoon’s conduct

    B.Hoon will not do anything without consulting Blair

    C.Blair should not divert his responsibility to his Cabinet

    D.MPs think that it is Blair who drags the country into the war

  • 9What is the author’s attitude towards the Parliament、




