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Electronic commerce becomes a new type of commerce when_____.


A.paperbased transactions are moved on to the Web

B.the efficiency of the existing process is improved by Internet

C.new buyers and sellers find each other on the Internet

D.a book site offers the books several bookstores have altogether


  • 1The use of computer will be as common as the use of cars when_____.

    A.governments begin to move administration on-line

    B.electronic commerce causes a fundamental change

    C.computer and communication become simpler and cheaper

    D.the boundary between the computer and the TV disappears

  • 2What is the current problem with the Web according to the passage、

    A.Too much information.

    B.Lack of response.

    C.Ineffective interaction.

    D.Slowness of speed.

  • 3The example of potato chips is used to illustrate_____.

    A.the defect of computers at the present stage of development

    B.the similarity between a computer chip and a potato chip

    C.the richness of information available on the web

    D.the irrelevant responses the web sometimes offers

  • 4The passage is mainly trying to show that_____.

    A.the web is becoming a way of conveying information

    B.the web will bring about a new way of life

    C.electronic commerce develops with the Internet

    D.interaction with the Web will become easier

  • 5It is true of Nadine Gordimer that .

    A.she is a politician and enthusiastic opponent of apartheid

    B.her work is of moral force but lacking in imagination

    C.she has kept the true face of racism in front of us

    D.her work presents the portrait of the development of South Africa
