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Training of the Japanese child can best be described as _____ .


A.a system of rewards and punishments

B.frequent disciplining which becomes inexorably more severe as the child grows older

C.benevolent and indulgent during the early years,but somewhat more sevre as the child grows older

D.almost entirely psychological


  • 1According to Japanese belief a child is born _____ .

    A.in sin

    B.amoral,neither good nor evil

    C.with two souls which are in combat with one another

    D.basically good

  • 2The writer probably feels that most art today _____ .

    A.is purely decorative

    B.is purely functional

    C.is both decorative and functional

    D.is useless

  • 3“This”in line 2 refers to _____ .


    B.giving pleasure

    C.the feeling that art is more than a decorative means of giving pleasure

    D.the feeling that art is only a decorative means of giving pleasure

  • 4What is used to produce a sandpainting、


    B.beach sand

    C.crushed sandstone


  • 5The “singer”rubs sand on the patient because _____ .

    A.the patient receives strength from the sand

    B.it has medical value

    C.it decorates the patient

    D.none of the above

  • 6In the teaching of selfdiscipline the Japanese emphasize _____ .

    A.duty to one′s family and relations

    B.early toilet training combined with restrictive movement

    C.heavy external control including both verbal and physical punishment

    D.a permissive atmosphere almost until puberty

  • 7The Japanese idea of virtue is _____ .

    A.sublimating the “rough”soul to permit ascendency of the “gentle”soul

    B.fulfilling one′s obligation to others

    C.doing good and avoiding evil

    D.being friendly and courteous to all people

  • 8To the Japanese,the aim of existence is _____ .

    A.the pursuit of happiness

    B.reward in the afterlife

    C.a happy ending to one′s activities

    D.fulfilling one′s duty

  • 9Freud′s concepts included a:

    A.denial of instinctive behavior in animals and humans.

    B.belief that religion properly modled the consience so that the id could be controlled.

    C.belief that human behavior can be explained primarily by the unconscious motives of individuals

    D.belief that human behabior is completely controlled by the "conscience"part.

  • 10Jung and Adler differed most with Freud over:

    A.what primarily motivates human behavior.

    B.whether dreams can interpret human behavior.

    C.how hypnosis is used in psychoanalysis.

    D.what medicine can cure neurosis.
