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Why didn't the large amounts of heroin taken by Growley prove fatal、


A.He took too large a dose for it to be fatal.

B.He did not take enough to kill a man of his size.

C.He had conditioned his body not to die.

D.He had accustomed his body to large dosag


  • 1What kind of person was Crowley、

    A.Selfseeking and violent.

    B.Strongwilled and dissatisfied.

    C.Rash and weakwille

    D.D.Strongwilled and determined.

  • 2How is magic defined in“Magic in Theory and Practice”、

    A.As a means of acquiring a certain state of mind.

    B.As a technique of speaking and acting in a certain way.

    C.As a form of natural power gained through using drugs.

    D.As a way of subduing natural laws by will power.

  • 3Through the doctrine of “true will”,Crowley encouraged people to _____ .

    A.ignore the normal morality

    B.find freedom through selfworship

    C.control everything by will power

    D.invent a new unconventional religion

  • 4We can safely conclude that the author _____ .

    A.likes football

    B.hates football

    C.hates baseball

    D.likes baseball

  • 5The author admits that _____ .

    A.baseball is too peaceful for the young

    B.baseball may seem boring when watched on TV

    C.football is more attracting than baseball

    D.baseball is more interesting than football

  • 6In this passage,the author _____ .

    A.is calling for the saving of energy

    B.is talking about the earth's greenhouse effect

    C.is complaining about the crowdedness of public places

    D.expresses dissatisfaction with urban life

  • 7The author lists so many places in order to make clear the idea that _____ .

    A.some public places are too hot to work in

    B.energy used for heating can be saved in some places

    C.life in big cities is rather unpleasant

    D.public places should be better airconditioned

  • 8By saying that“… ordinary people would be willing to conserve sweat,too”(the third sentence in paragraph 7),the author really means that ordinary people _____ .

    A.would agree to turn off power where possible

    B.prefer winter to summer

    C.don't like hot places

    D.are willing to give up a comfortable life

  • 9The tone of the passage is one of _____ .





  • 10Which of the following statements best summarizes the main idea of the passage、

    A.The development of tourism has brought about environmental problems.

    B.Tourism should not develop at the cost of the environmental destruction.

    C.Measures taken to protect the environment prove to be ineffective.

    D.Tourism is developing for the sole purpose of making money.
