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Which of the following is true of CSR according to the last paragraph、


A.The necessary amount of companies spending on it is unknown

B.Companies’ financial capacity for it has been overestimated

C.Its negative effects on businesses are often overlooked

D.It has brought much benefit to the banking industry


  • 1When prosecutors evaluate a case, a company’s CSR record

    A.comes across as reliable evidence

    B.has an impact on their decision

    C.increases the chance of being penalized

    D.constitutes part of the investigation

  • 2The expression “more lenient”(line 2,Par

    A.4)is closest in meaning toA.less controversial

    B.more lasting

    C.more effective

    D.less severe

  • 3According to Paragraph 2, CSR helps a company by

    A.guarding it against malpractices

    B.protecting it from consumers

    C.winning trust from consumers.

    D.raising the quality of its products

  • 4The author views Milton Friedman’s statement about CSR with





  • 5In the last paragraph the author show his appreciation of

    A.the size of population in Britain

    B.the enviable urban lifestyle in Britain

    C.the town-and-country planning in Britain

    D.the political life in today’s Britain

  • 6The New York Times is considering ending it’s print edition partly due to

    A.the increasing online and sales

    B.the pressure from its investors

    C.the complaints from its readers

    D.the high cost of operation

  • 7Peretti suggests that in face of the present situation, The Times should

    A.make strategic adjustments

    B.end the print sedition for good

    C.seek new sources of leadership

    D.aim for efficient management

  • 8It can be inferred from paragraphs 5and 6 that a “ legacy product”

    A.helps restore the glory of former times

    B.is meant for the most loyal customers

    C.will have the cost of printing reduced

    D.expands the popularity of the paper

  • 9Peretti believes that in a changing world

    A.traditional luxuries can stay unaffected

    B.cautiousness facilitates problem-solving

    C.aggressiveness better meets challenges

    D.legacy businesses are becoming out dated

  • 10Which of the following would be the best title of the text、

    A.shift to online newspapers all at once

    B.Cherish the Newspapers still in Your Hand

    C.keep Your Newspapers Forever in Fashion

    D.Make Your print Newspapers a luxury Good
