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Part of the public policy task, as outlined in the text, is to


A.prevent payments deficit.

B.avoid inflationary pressures.

C.devalue the dollar.

D.increase the balance of trad


  • 1It can be inferred from the third paragraph that the author's attitude toward the reduction of the international payments deficit seems





  • 2Paragraph 2 mainly deals with

    A.the revival of stronger liquidity positions.

    B.the stimulative monetary and fiscal policies.

    C.the causes of business development for the perio

    D.D.economic policy measures suggested by the President.

  • 3The author mentions increased installment debt in the first paragraph in order to show

    A.the continuing expansion of the economy.

    B.the growth of consumer purchasing power.

    C.the consumers'confidence in the economy.

    D.the soaring consumer incomes for spending.

  • 4According to the author, which of the following is the most important reason for women to go to work、

    A.Wish to claim their rights and freedom.

    B.Ambition and self-fulfillment.

    C.Financial incentives.

    D.Desire for a social lif

  • 5According to the fourth paragraph, the author seems to think that

    A.female passivity is natural.

    B.men and women are physically identical.

    C.men are born competitive and aggressive.

    D.some different sex identity is acquired.

  • 6It can be learned from the last paragraph that the Phase Three program contained

    A.reduced government spending.

    B.devaluation of the dollar.

    C.productivity measures.

    D.wage and price controls.

  • 7It can be learned from the first paragraph that Internet advertising

    A.has taken the place of more traditional methods of advertising. [

    B.is one of the most effective ways to make profits on the web.

    C.is paralleling advertising methods in traditional business settings.

    D.seeks to tempt customers through impulse shopping methods.

  • 8The second and third paragraphs are written in order to illustrate

    A.the policy Internet advertisers design to lure clientele and its outcome.

    B.the process and mixed consequences of Internet advertising and shopping.

    C.the biggest splash Internet advertisers have recently made in sales promotions.

    D.the banners Internet advertisers take advantage of to arouse customers'interest.

  • 9Analyzing the current state of the online advertising in paragraph 4, the author implies that

    A.it has to be modified over time to remain effective.

    B.for all its current profits, it will fade in the long run.

    C.banners are beginning to lose their advertising efficiency.

    D.Internet advertising methods will continue to decrease sales.

  • 10The expression “do the trick” in the last paragraph most probably means

    A.come to the point.

    B.fulfill their purpose.

    C.fail of their success.

    D.live up to their promis
