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According to the article, you can gain confidence and make your nervousness work for you rather than against you by:


A.more preparation and choosing topics you really care about.

B.less preparation and more concentration on communicating with the audience.

C.rehearsing your speech for hours on stage.

D.memorizing every word of your speech before giving it.


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  • 1Public speaking and daily conversation are different because:

    A.Daily conversation uses formal language and requires detailed preparation to convey the message.

    B.Daily conversation is more structured than public speaking.

    C.Public speaking uses slang and physical gestures to convey their message to a larger audience.

    D.Public speaking uses formal language and is more structured than daily conversation.

  • 2The major goals that public speaking and daily conversation have in common are:

    A.The main goals of public speaking and daily conversation are to convey the message using formal language and requiring detailed preparation.

    B.The main goal of public speaking and daily conversation is to convey the message to a listener using their feedback

    C.The main goals of public speaking and daily conversation are to inform, persuade, entertain the audience.

    D.The main goals of public speaking and daily conversation are to communicate a clear message through a channel without interferenc

  • 3According to the information of the passage, the original picture would be reproduced by the

    A.signal of lights

    B.mosaic of lights

    C.element selenium

    D.selenium cells

  • 4An important discovery in early television was the electrical resistance of___


    B.the human eye


    D.the element selenium

  • 5As it is used in the passage, the word “predecessors” (paragraph 1) means

    A.a teacher of the highest rank in a university department

    B.a person who plans and understands the making of machines, roads, bridges, et

    C.C.a person who teaches, esp. as a profession

    D.a person who held a position before someone else

  • 6The main message of this article is:

    A.Public speaking is much harder than daily conversation.

    B.Public speaking requires years of training.

    C.Skilled public speakers have an ethical responsibility in the message they convey to their audience by being honest and using sound evidence.

    D.Skilled public speakers are never nervous and have no stage fright.

  • 7Scientists think that

    A.oil was formed from large deposits of mud on the sea bed.

    B.coal was formed from shale under the surface of the earth.

    C.oil was formed from sea creatures caught between layers of rock.

    D.B.coal was formed from shale under the surface of the earth.C.oil was formed from sea creatures caught between layers of rock.D.oil was formed from sea water by processes of chemistry, pressure and temperatur

  • 8“Where there is shale, there is likely to be oil.” The author says this in order to show that

    A.shale is a sedimentary rock.

    B.oil was made from shale.

    C.oil was first formed under the sea.

    D.shale is another form of oil.

  • 9The author mentions Trinidad because

    A.it has a famous lake which was visited by Sir Walter Raleigh.

    B.it probably has large quantities of crude oil under the surface.

    C.it is an example of a place where drilling is not necessary to obtain oil.

    D.its asphalt is very good for making roads.

  • 10The driller is unlucky when

    A.the drill does not bring up any soil.

    B.the drill brings up soil.

    C.the drill strikes oil at a high level.

    D.the drill goes very near the oil without striking it.
