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________, there was a doubt whether the construction was worth supporting.


A.At a time

B.At one time

C.At times

D.At other times


  • 1There were so many people talking in the concert hall that I couldn't ________ the music.

    A.concentrate on

    B.fix upon

    C.centre on

    D.devote to

  • 2It's not polite to ________ the disabled.

    A.make a fun of

    B.be fun to

    C.have rare fun to

    D.make fun of

  • 3The big fire left the large house ________.

    A.in ruin

    B.in ruins

    C.at ruins

    D.for ruins

  • 4Whenever it ________ the money I lost, my father always tells me to learn a lesson from the event and never ________ such trick again!

    A.refers to; fall in

    B.comes to; fall for

    C.mentions; fall on

    D.speaks to; fall to

  • 5Of course, ________ access to update, accurate information is ________ for anyone who is doing research.

    A.the; very important

    B./; of a great importance

    C./; of great importance

    D.an; great important

  • 6She must have gone out early, for she did not ________ for breakfast.

    A.show around

    B.show off

    C.show out

    D.show up

  • 7She felt completely ________ during the vacation but now she has to go back to work again.

    A.in anger

    B.at once

    C.in general

    D.at ease

  • 8He is ill; you should call in the doctor ________.

    A.right away

    B.any way

    C.right now

    D.just now

  • 9His idea seems practical ________, but it may not work.

    A.in theory

    B.in practice

    C.in particular

    D.in effect

  • 10After the meeting, I ________ to write a report on our next term's work.

    A.set about

    B.made off with

    C.set out

    D.set off
