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This program is quite gelivable(给力), which especially ________ us students, because it is an experience we shall never forget and shall ________ for the rest of our lives.


A.contributes to; respect

B.attracts to; distinguish

C.concerns to; promote

D.appeals to; value


  • 1This great monument, standing in the centre of the square, was built ________ our national heroes.

    A.in face of

    B.in favor of

    C.in honor of

    D.in member of

  • 2As Senior 3 students, it is the most important to keep up a good state of mind ________ failure.

    A.in terms of

    B.in case of

    C.as a result of

    D.in face of

  • 3The pirate(海盗)problem of Somali is generally thought to go ________ with the bad situation in the country.Bringing the country back to normal is the best solution to the problem.

    A.hand in hand

    B.at hand

    C.in hand

    D.by hand

  • 4Michelle advised me not to change my mind easily, but the way of teaching I ________ greatly in the past six months.

    A.was used to have changed

    B.used to change

    C.used to changing

    D.was used to has changed

  • 5This software ________ protect computers from being attacked by viruses and it took my brother a long time to ________ how to start it.

    A.is intended for; come out

    B.intends to; turn out

    C.is meant to; figure out

    D.is meant for; work out

  • 6Many roads are ________ bad ________ and traffic accidents are frequent.

    A.under; condition

    B.in; condition

    C.under; conditions

    D.in; conditions
