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My cousins _______ me and ask me what I was doing when I was studying in Canad


A.A.used to ringing

B.were used to ring

C.were used to ringing

D.used to ring


  • 1Not until they left school ______ how much their teachers loved them and helped them.

    A.they realized

    B.had they realized

    C.they would realize

    D.did they realize

  • 2.—It`s nice .Never before _______ such a special drink! —I`m glad you like it.

    A.I have had

    B.I had

    C.have I had

    D.had I

  • 3I can't remember how many years ago _____ a fight broke out between the husband and the wife.

    A.it was when

    B.was it that

    C.it was that

    D.was it when

  • 4Parents and teachers should help teenagers control their use of computer games ______be controlled by themselves.

    A.other than

    B.better then

    C.rather than

    D.more than

  • 5He has been working since 7:30 this morning. ______ he is so tired out.

    A.It is no wonder

    B.It is no way

    C.There is no need

    D.There is no point

  • 6--- What do you think of the movie Avatar? --- Interesting. It is _______ again.

    A.worth watching

    B.worth to watch

    C.worthy watching

    D.worthy to watch

  • 7________ is of no concern to us.

    A.It rain or not

    B.If or not it rains

    C.Whether it rains or not

    D.Will it rain or not

  • 8--The English exam is not difficult, is it? --________. Even Tom ________ to the top students failed in it.

    A.Yes; belongs

    B.No; belonged

    C.Yes; belonging

    D.No; belongs

  • 9-------Do you need any help, Lucy? -------Yes. The job is _________ I could do myself.

    A.less than

    B.more than

    C.no more than

    D.not more than

  • 10Not only _____ our suggestions he _____ late together with us but he also started out alone at once.

    A.he refused, started

    B.did he refuse, start

    C.he did refuse, should start

    D.refused he, should start
