水,是什么?水,是生命的源泉。如果没有水,我们将无法继续生存,由此可见水对我们是多么的重要啊!但是,人们都把"节约水资源"这五个字时常挂在嘴边,家长们也时常教育我们要养成这样的好习惯,可是今天我才发现,我妈妈虽经常这样教育我,可是连妈妈自己都没有做到。 晚饭前我到厨房帮妈妈一些忙,正忙活的乐此不疲,我无意间注意到了水龙头,换洗盆上的水龙头,那两个水龙头都在滴水!我惊讶了,问妈妈为什么不拧紧两个水龙头,妈妈竟然无所谓的说:"哎呀,没关系的,这俩水龙头早就坏了拧不紧的,滴就滴嘛,还能浪费多少水啊?"天啊,妈妈怎么可以这么说呢?要知道,这样,每秒,每分,每时,每天,每周,每个月,都无所谓的话,那么每年呢?每年会白白浪费掉多少水?我简直无法想象了。世界上有许多严重缺水的地区,而我们这些自来水丰富的地区呢,却在浪费水,我们根本就不知道水的重要性,它是多么的珍贵啊! 日常生活中,我也仔细观察过,我的父母在这些方面做的也很好,譬如:把每次的洗脸水都倒在一个桶里,积攒在一块儿留着拖地,如果积攒的水真的不够的话再选用自来水 拖地;用洗毛巾的水擦我的电瓶车……这些方法都可以节约不少水呢!爸爸妈妈这样做我认为是非常对的,但是他(她)们也犯了错误,为什么不拧紧水龙头呢?如果水龙头坏掉了的话,为什么不买新的呢?不要在乎水龙头的钱,节约水资源才是真正的大事,大家说我说的对吗? 地球上的水并不是取之不尽用之不竭的,真正的淡水资源也不是很多,如果人人都不珍惜的话,那这地球上的水会愈来愈少直至消失,水,也是有限的。朋友们,节约水资源,珍惜水资源吧,我们的地球母亲在哭泣,她为身上的水源不足而哭泣,然而,我们不应做点什么吗?
Water, what is it? Water is the source of life. If there is no water, we will not be able to continue to survive, we can see how important water is important to us! However, people are "saving water" these five words often linked to the mouth, parents often educate us to develop such a good habit, but today I found that my mother often educated me, but even My mother did not do it. Before dinner, I went to the kitchen to help my mother some busy, busy busy never tired, I accidentally noticed the faucet, wash basin on the faucet, the two faucets are dripping! I am surprised, and asked her mother why not tighten the two taps, my mother actually does not matter, said: "Oh, it does not matter, these two taps have long been bad bad tight, drops on the drop Well, but also how much water ah? God, how can my mother say that? To know that, every second, every minute, every time, every day, every week, every month, does not matter, then every year? How much water will be wasted every year? I can not imagine it. There are many areas of severe water shortage in the world, and we are rich in water in these areas, but in the waste of water, we simply do not know the importance of water, it is how precious ah! In daily life, I also carefully observed that my parents do in these areas is also very good, for example: every time the wash water is poured in a bucket, accumulate together to keep mopping the ground, if the accumulation of water Really not enough then use tap water Drag the towel of the water to wash my battery car ... ... these methods can save a lot of water! Mom and Dad do that I think is very right, but he (she) who also made a mistake, why not tighten the faucet? If the faucet is broken, why not buy a new one? Do not care about the taps of the money, saving water is the real event, we say that I am right? The water on earth is not inexhaustible, the real fresh water resources are not many, if everyone does not cherish, then the water on the earth will be less and less until the disappearance of water, is limited of. Friends, water conservation, treasure water resources, our mother of the earth crying, she cry for the lack of water for the body, but we should not do something?