
2020-06-29发布者:郝悦皓大小:128.00 KB 下载:0

2006 年 1 月浙江成人学士学位英语考试真题及答案 Part I Listening Comprehension Section A 1.A、Clean the bath room. B、Clean the kitchen. C、Watch a video program. D、Wash the dishes. 2.A、She was knocked down by a car. B、She got lost. C、She had some trouble with her car. D、She lost her bag. 3.A、The window was broken by the kids. B、Tommy failed in the basketball game. C、The kids were playing with the glasses. D、Tommy fell to the ground and broke his glasses. 4.A、At school. B、On the way to school. C、At home. D、In the hospital. 5.A、She has difficulty falling asleep. B、She’ll be away for a few days. C、She is ill. D、She stayed up the night before. 6.A、A teacher. B、A tailor. C、A doctor. D、A shop assistant. 7.A、The movie was already over. B、Some people were watching the movie. C、The man could watch the movie with the woman’s friends. D、The man had better not go to the woman’s home to watch the movie. 8.A、A bus. B、Better weather. C、A taxi. D、Newspaper 9.A、20 B、25 C、35 D、40 10.A、There is often too much traffic. B、He doesn’t like to drive to his office. C、He is satisfied with the road conditions. D、Everything is good except for the distance. Section B Passage One Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard. 11. A、Math B、Music C、English D、Dance 12. A、To take lessons himself. B、To be close to his family. C、To teach better students. D、To have more students. 13. A、The first teacher. B、The second teacher. C、The last teacher. D、The next teacher. Passage Two Questions 14 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard. 14. A、He started a small business of his own. B、He lived with his family in a small town. C、He lived alone and hardly left his home. D、He tried to make some money by selling newspapers. 15. A、They put their glasses on. B、They took their glasses off. C、They talked about the weather. D、They finished their food and drinks. 16. A、He didn’t try on all the glasses in the store. B、He thought he would be able to read with glasses on. C、He went to the wrong store for the things he needed. D、He failed to inform the shop owner of what he needed. Passage Three Questions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard. 17. A、When they are six weeks old. B、When they are eight weeks old. C、When they are eight months old. D、When they are eight days old. 18. A、His mother is with him. B、He thinks he can deal with some trouble. C、He sees many foods. D、He feels the love from his parents. 19. A、Because he enjoys the feeling of flying. B、Because his father laughs while doing this. C、Because he enjoys the moment when he is caught. D、Because he knows that his father is playing with him. 20. A、Because laughter is the best medicine. B、Because laughing helps us overcome trouble. C、Because we feel that we have become mature. D、Because we understand the world around us better. Part II Vocabulary 21.The couple are unable to have children of their own, so they decided to _____ a daughter. A、adopt B、adjust C、adapt D、appoint 22.I find this book of great _____ in helping me get along well with others. A、wealth B、price C、usefulness D、value 23.I’m sure I have seen that man before but I can’t _____ where. A、remind B、retell C、recall D、recognize 24.Convenience foods which are ready for cooking are _____ in grocery stores. A、available B、capable C、acceptable D、probable 25.They had a heated discussion on the topic but came to no _____. A、end B、idea C、result D、conclusion 26.In the past few years the school has _____ a lot of money improving the teaching equipment. A、cost B、paid C、spent D、taken 27.The school bus got out of _____ on the way to school this morning, so all the students were late. A、wok B、function C、power D、order 28. Road safety should be taught to young children to _____ road accident. A、avoid B、refuse C、deny D、ignore 29.It is difficult to _____ what the long-term effects of the reform will be. A、investigate B、inform C、broadcast D、predict 30.His _____ novel is more interesting than any other novels he’s ever written. A、first B、latest C、former D、later 31.It’s time for us to take measures to stop water _____ as it is getting more and more serious.
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