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2005 年 6 月浙江成人学士学位英语考试真题及答案 Part I Listening Comprehension Section A 1.A、Mary enjoys learning mathematics. B、Mary is probably poor at mathematics. C、Mary has never studied mathematics. D、 Mary must be good at mathematics. 2.A、Wait patiently. B、Go and find the furniture. C、Place another order. D、Call to check on it. 3.A、Someone already borrowed it. B、He doesn’t have time to read it. C、He can’t lend her the newspaper. D、He will give it her later. 4.A、7:00p.m. B、7:30p.m. C、8:18p.m. D、8:30p.m. 5.A、In the library. B、At a post office. C、In the college. D、At a department store. 6.A、It will be saying with Ken. B、It will go with the man. C、He’s putting it in a cage. D、Ken’s taking it on vacation. 7.A、It’s extremely hot outside. B、They can eat at a roadside café. C、The food should be kept away. D、They should have eggs for supper. 8.A、The pear. B、The weather. C、The cold. D、The seafood. 9.A、Friends B、Lovers C、Classmates D、Colleagues 10.A、Florida B、Weather C、The man’s friends in Florida. D、 Holiday in Florida. Section B Passage One Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard. 11. A、There are many different ways to do most things. B、There is a right way to do a certain thing. C、There is only one way to do most things. D、There are no strict instructions to follow in doing anything. 12. A、He would be asked to try again and make his own decision. B、He would be encouraged to try different ways. C、He would receive criticism or even punishment. D、He would be asked to behave himself. 13. A、He hates his parents for what they did to him. B、He lacks a sense of achievement. C、He is satisfied with his own performance. D、He has never made a right decision. Passage Two Questions 14 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard. 14. A、He visited many different countries with his elder sister. B、He started to show interest in music. C、He often had lessons with his sister. D、He started take music lessons from his father. 15. A、Because he did something wrong and was punished for that. B、Because his father wanted to give him a chance to show his talent to the people. C、Because he failed to do a good job on one of the performances. D、Because people wanted to see whether he was able to write beautiful music. 16. A、Mozart made a lot of money with his music. B、Mozart was not a good music teacher. C、Mozart was poor during his lifetime. D、Mozart had many selfless friends during his lifetime. Passage Three Questions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard. 17. A、Because they were worn out and couldn’t be worn any longer. B、Because they brought him a lot of trouble. C、Because he wanted to test his dog’s ability to get things back. D、Because they were old and ugly. 18. A、 Because he could often find something interesting there. B、Because he wanted to find some food for himself. C、Because his master often asked him to throw things there. D、Because his master often took him there. 19. A、Curious B、Excited C、Frightened D、Disappointed 20. A、John’s house was burned down. B、John finally got rid of his shoes. C、John lost his intelligent dog. D、John hot into trouble with his neighbor. Part II Vocabulary 21.When Tom applied for a _____ in the office of the import and export company, he was told to see the manager first. A、position B、profession C、career D、place 22.We had not _____ to meet with such a warm welcome from the villagers, for it was raining heavily. A、imagined B、wished C、expected D、thought 23.This T-shirt is too small; would you please show me one of _____ size? A、average B、moderate C、middle D、medium 24. The custom of males wearing skirts is _____ to Scotland. A、particular B、typical C、peculiar D、special 25.Mary has kept working for ten hours. _____, she needs a rest now. A、Effectively B、Basically C、Eventually D、Obviously 26.This was given us as a present on the _____ of our marriage. A、situation B、circumstance C、occasion D、event 27.We had a trip to Switzerland two years ago and I _____ every minute of it. A、enjoyed B、delighted C、pleased D、amused 28.You can have a marvelous _____ of the whole city from the top of the tower. A、outlook B、view C、scene D、sightseeing 29.Getting help from him is _____; he is such a selfish person. A、in the question B、in question C、out of the question D、out of question 30.The warm-hearted old couple is very _____ to the poor college student. A、strict B、mean C、grateful D、generous 31.We would naturally _____ the name of Einstein with the Theory of Relativity.
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