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2003 年 6 月浙江成人学士学位英语考试真题及答案 Part I Listening Comprehension Section A 1.A、7:30 B、7:45 C、8:00 D、8:15 2.A、At the bookstore. B、At home. C、At school. D、At the library. 3.A、To write another letter. B、To visit her brother. C、To post the letter. D、To telephone his brother. 4.A、The rain has stopped. B、The wind has stopped blowing. C、It is still raining hard outside. D、Both the rain and the wind have stopped. 5.A、No exercising in the morning. B、Buying a watch for himself. C、Exercising right after getting up. D、Getting up earlier in the morning. 6.A、She cleaned the house. B、She bought a painting for the house. C、She painted the house herself. D、She hired someone to paint the house. 7.A、He won’t go for a walk. B、He will take a walk with the woman. C、He will go for a walk alone. D、He will walk to the park. 8.A、Her son is fat. B、She doesn’t have enough money. C、Her son is still hungry. D、She waited for too long. 9.A、In a department store. B、On the playground. C、At an airport. D、At a railway station. 10.A、A newspaperman. B、A taxi driver. C、A college student. D、A school teacher. Section B Passage One Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard. 11. A、An eyeglass worker. B、A young doctor. C、An old scientist. D、A news reporter. 12. A、A large book. B、A far-away building. C、A stack of newspapers. D、Stars and planets 13. A、Large B、Beautiful C、Important D、Simple Passage Two Questions 14 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard. 14. A、Blue B、Yellow C、Red D、Colorless 15. A、Because the pilots can’t breathe without air. B、Because airplanes need air to lift their wings. C、Because they need air to see things far ahead. D、Because airplane are moving very fast. 16. A、There is nothing in the sky B、The sky is space. C、High in the sky the air is thin. D、The sky is all around the world. Passage Three Questions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard. 17. A、A sailor. B、A repairman. C、A fisherman. D、A bus driver. 18. A、In his hometown. B、In his wife’s town. C、Near a port. D、Near a garden. 19. A、Late in the evening. B、Early in the evening. C、Late in the morning. D、Early in the morning. 20. A、He had a bad dream. B、He found himself among trees. C、He saw his ship reaching land. D、He thought his ship had hit land. Part II Vocabulary 21.We should create a _____ environment for learning English. A、faithful B、false C、favorite D、favorable 22.This wild flower is called by _____ names in my hometown. A、various B、variable C、separate D、sensitive 23.Arguing about small details _____ them a lot of time and so some of the people left before the meeting ended. A、spent B、took C、charged D、paid 24.Don’t look up in the dictionary every new words that you _____ in reading. A、come across B、come about C、come along D、come up with 25.Because he was fired last week, he has to _____ another job now. A、seal B、seize C、seek D、share 26.You should be careful and stand_____ guard against the same mistake. A、up B、at C、size D、surface 27.On American highways the speed _____ is usually 70 miles an hour. A、permission B、limit C、control D、condition 28.In such a case I’d better give up the route I had _____ planned about my traveling. A、presently B、originally C、firstly D、lastly 29.The current _____ is that people all over the world are for peace and against war. A、trend B、tradition C、course D、cause 30.As he is always busy with academic studies, he can hardly find time for his _____. A、habits B、hobbies C、affairs D、instance 31.I am trying to gather almost all the data that is _____ the topic. A、compared to B、composed of C、related to
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