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2002 年 1 月浙江成人学士学位英语考试真题及答案 Part I Listening Comprehension Section A 1.A、By bus. B、By taxi C、On foot. D、By train. 2.A、To the drugstore. B、To the lab. C、To her office. D、To her mother’s. 3.A、3 pence. B、7 pence. C、4 pence. D、10 pence 4.A、She will join the man for dinner. B、She will have to study. C、She’s going to have a walk. D、She will go to the concert. 5.A、Milk. B、Eggs. C、Bread. D、Fruit. 6.A、Jack. B、Tom. C、Alice. D、Jane. 7.A、Inside the Central Building. B、Opposite the Central Building. C、Close to the Central Building. D、Two blocks away from the Central Building. 8.A、Light. B、Well-paid. C、Interesting. D、Boring. 9.A、A secretary. B、A waitress. C、A customer. D、A housewife. 10.A、It is more thoughtful. B、It is less popular. C、It is the same as the popular music. D、She has no idea. Section B Passage One Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard. 11. A、Sleeping. B、Dreams. C、Interests. D、Experiences. 12. A、Dreams reflect one’s future life. B、Your dreams may come from your past experiences. C、 Prisoners never dare to dream of freedom. D、We always dream about what we wish for. 13. A、Families. B、Food. C、Exams. D、Freedom. Passage Two Questions 14 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard. 14. A、1 kilogram. B、5 kilograms. C、15 kilograms. D、50 kilograms. 15. A、Wood of trees. B、Hair-like parts of certain plants. C、Roots of trees. D、Hair of certain animals. 16. A、Because they are forest countries. B、Because there are many people in those countries. C、Because most people in those countries are well-educated. D、Because they are short of paper. Passage Three Questions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard. 17. A、The relationship between the speaker and Susan. B、The arrangement of the speaker’s wedding. C、The speaker’s parents’ opinion of Susan. D、The speaker’s plan for the future. 18. A、At Susan’s home. B、In a swimming pool. C、On a tennis court. D、At a dance. 19. A、Her boyfriend talks about marriage. B、Her boyfriend’s parents don’t like her. C、Her boyfriend is not very smart. D、Her boyfriend works as a salesman. 20. A、The speaker wants to forget Susan. B、Susan may lose her job. C、The speaker and Susan are of the same age. D、Susan has saved enough money for her future Part II Vocabulary 21.After a successful career in business, he was _____ the chairman of the committee. A、 appointed B、adopted C、adjusted D、achieved 22.These programs are designed for those young people who want to _____ higher education but don not have enough time to go to university. A、insure B、persist C、inquire D、pursue 23.The workers are _____ young people between the ages of sixteen and twenty. A、most B、much C、mostly D、more 24.It was difficult to guess what her _____ to the news would be. A、impression B、reaction C、comment D、opinion 25.We are interested in the weather because it _____ us so directly ---what we wear, what we do, and even how we feel. A、benefits B、affects C、guides D、effects 26.There was no news from her son for quite a few years; _____, Susan went on hoping. A、nevertheless B、furthermore C、consequently D、therefore 27.He was _____ of robbery and was sentenced to ten year’s imprisonment. A、assured B、charged C、confirmed D、accused 28.Thoughts are expressed _____ means of words. A、by B、with C、in D、on 29.There is no _____ in going to the cinema now as the film has already started. A、reason B、cause C、motive D、point 30.American students seldom live on campus. _____, they live at home and travel to classes. A、Instead B、For example C、What’s more D、However 31.Will you please _____ my paper to find out whether I’ve made any mistakes?
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