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2020-07-17发布者:郝悦皓大小:211.04 KB 下载:0

2017 年 6 月雅思真题回忆及解析 所有的成功都来自于行动,只有付诸行动,才能一步步走向成功。无忧考网搜集整理了 2017 年 6 月雅思真题回忆及解析,希望对大家有所帮助。2017 年 6 月举行了 4 场考试, 时间分别为 6 月 3 日、6 月 8 日、6 月 17 日、6 月 24 日。以下内容仅供参考。 6 月 3 日雅思口语真题回忆: Part 2 1.NEW Describe a challenging experience you had You should say: What experience it was; When you had it; Why it was challenging; And explain how you felt about it. 解析: 话题要求描述一项颇有挑战性的经历,可以是重大考试、求职等比较重要的人生经历 , 也可以是学习一项技能等比较细节的经历。在解释完经历是什么之后,需要解释一下为什 么你觉得它有挑战性,这段经历对你的影响和体会。 Talking about the most challenging as well as the most impressive experience in last two years, I would definitely say that it was keeping two parrots at home. My brother gave me two parrots (they should be called Budgerigar) as a surprise gift when my summer vacation began in last year. At first, I was overjoyed when hearing that I need to shoulder the whole responsibility to take care of them. In the following several days, I searched much information on the Internet to get to know its food list, living habits and behaviours, even the possible symptoms of getting ill. Then I bought them a nice and bigger cage as their “luxury flat” to offer them more space for activities. Preparing daily food and water, talking to them and observing them, I patiently did all what I could do to fully shoulder the responsibility as their owner. As I said it was very challenging because I found it was so hard to keep two LITTLE things! I need to pay great attention, efforts and patience to complete the daily feeding and cleaning, which was more challenging than the daily tasks in online games. Moreover, my nice talking and observing couldn’t do any help to train them to listen to me, even be a little bit friendly to me! I thought the training to birds was so a piece of cake before keeping them. When I approached them more closer than usual, they would flapped their wings and flew around the whole cage, even pecked me badly. As for the most important point, they could be making noises all the time during the day. It was a period when I didn’t feel like hearing any bird songs, so-called “birds’ singing”. It was a great sense of helplessness when my passion met with my frustration in keeping them, especially when I found what could I do was only to deal with their dropping waste and the falling-out feathers. Finally I realized that keeping pets is a thing that “Love me much (not little), love me longer”. Taking the responsibility for your pet is much more challenging than saying that. You have to think carefully before having a plan to keep a pet. Last but not the least, you need to take care of it throughout its whole life to experience what responsibility is. 2.Old Describe a journey you would like to go on by car, motorbike or bike. You should say: where you would like to go; how you would like to go there; who you would like to go with; and explain why you would like to go there by car, motorbike or bike. 解析: 题目要求描述一次你乘坐小汽车、骑摩托车或者骑自行车旅行的经历。要求论述时间 、 地点和形式等细节信息,还需要解释一下你为什么去那里选择这种交通工具。 Well, I would like to go Las Vegas. The city is around 125 kilometres away from my town, Bullhead City in Arizona. So if I could go there, I think by car is a second-to-none choice. Las Vega is mostly famous for the colourful nightlife. This is a resort town located in the Mojave Desert in Nevada. The town has some specialties and during the night times, it looks best. The entire city is well decorated and illuminated. The most amazing feature of the city is the musical fountain. It is synchronised with music. Besides, the Strip is also another attractive issue at the town. The replicas like Eiffel Tower; Egyptian Pyramids etc. are also some adorable things here. I am a student at Everest College and having an undergrad course in economics. I have a group of six members in the college. We love to be together always like having a group study, moving for a theatre, joining at any ceremony and more. Sometimes we make some short trips in some less distant areas. Now we are planning to have a trip in Las Vegas. Though I went there for several times with my dad to meet my uncle who owns a small pub there, I did not have the chance to move on my own. Dad always was with me lest I get into any bar or pub and have a drink. In fact, my parents are conservative in some aspects. I would like to go there by car because it is a long journey. Las Vegas is around 125 kilometres away from my home. Moving such a distance alone is not preferable for me. Go there with your good friends will be much better. If I become a victim of an accident, there is none to look after me on the highway to Vegas. Even there are some risks to move alone in the city until you are matured enough to protect yourself from any sudden invasion. Considering all the issues, I have decided to make the trip with my friends. Moreover, it would be great fun for us. A wonderful sightseeing journey! All of us have visited the town but we lack the experience to stay at night there. So, I am going there on the car that will be driven by David. 3.Old Describe a time you were not allowed to use your mobile phone. You should say: when and where it was; why you were not allowed to use your phone; what you wanted to use your phone for; and explain how you felt about not being able to use your phone. 解析: 题目要求描述你不被允许用手机的时刻,这种时刻可以时某个重要的场合,比如考试 , 开会等等。题目中的问题要素都要一一作答。 Last Monday, I went to visit a famous grand museum that is located in the center of the city. The administrator said that we are not allowed to use our mobile phones and cameras during the visit because taking photographs of exhibitions are not allowed. I obeyed the rules, handed in my mobile phone and other personal stuff and enjoyed the visit. Suddenly, it occurred to me that I didn’t tell my mom that I would be late for home and I took the only keys of my home. She possibly couldn’t get into the rooms if she came home earlier than me. Then I couldn’t focus on my visit. I wanted to use my mobile phone to call her. But the workers in the museum told me that they could only return our mobile phones after the visit is over, otherwise they will shoulder the responsibility of any loss of visitors’ stuff. I was worried and restless all the time during the following visit. This is the first time that I wanted to use my phone so much. I felt a great sense of unease and danger if I lost the contacts by mobile phones. The most key point is we are in the era of science and technology. Mobile phones have become the most common product that most people have access to. It has become a normal habit that whenever you wanna use it, you can use it. If you can’t, it seems that you’re deprived of some basic need. We often say that we rely too much on our electronic devices, but I have to say they are really helpful in all sorts of emergencies. 6 月 3 日雅思听力真题回忆: Section1 瑜伽课程申请 1. June 27 2. Swavesey 3. Intermediate 4. 285 5. Relaxation 6. Vegetarian 7. Swimming 8. Horse riding 9. Tennis 10. Outside Section2 节目安排(多选+配对) 11-14 选择题 11. B 12. D 13. B 14. E 15-20 配对题 15. E 16. F 17. A 18. G 19. B 20. H Section3 女生向老师询问课程设置和专业情况 21. A. Compulsory and regular 22. C. Students at working 23. A full-time and flexible study time 24. B. People out of campus
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