
2020-06-30发布者:郝悦皓大小:183.00 KB 下载:0

2016 年 3 月公共英语一级考试真题及答案 第一部分听力 第一节图片判断 1-10 略 第二节对话应答 在本节中,你将听到 l0 个话语,请从 A.、B.、C.三个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并标在试 卷的相应位置。每个话语后有 l0 秒钟的停顿,以便选择答案和阅读下一个小题的选项。每 个话语读两遍。 11.A. I'm very well. B. It's 62558789. C. That's good. 12. A. Come in, please. B. It' s nothing. C. oh, sorry. 13. A. of course. B. I'm ok. C. Thanks. 14. A. You' re welcome. B. Yes, you can. C. Very good. 15. A. All right. B. It's kind. C. It's Monday. 16. A. It's6:00 a.m. B. It's snowing. C. I'd like to drink. 17. A. Sorry, I can't. B. Yes, certainly. C. Not very good. 18. A. He's busy. B. Thank you. C. All right. 19. A. Drive a car. B. About 30 minutes. C. By air. 20. A. What can I do for you? B. Eight people. C. Certainly. 第三节对话理解 在本节中,你将听到 l0 段对话,每段对话有一个问题。请从 A.、B.、C.三个选项中选出答 案,并标在试卷的相应位置。每段对话后有 l0 秒钟的停顿,以便回答问题和阅读下一问题 及其选项。每段对话读两遍。 21. How much did Mr. Johnson pay for the shirt? A. 12 dollars. B. 6 dollars. C. 3 dollars. 22. What' s the woman? A. The man' s girlfriend. B.A salesgirl. C. A customer. 23. What color does the woman like? A. Red. B. Pink. C. Yellow. 24. What' s the relationship between the two speakers? A. Doctor and patient. B. Customer and waiter. C. Conductor and passenger. 25. What does the woman think of the hotel? A. Noisy. B. Worst. C. Comfortable. 26. Where is the headquarter? A.In Beijing. B. In New York. C. In London. 27. What does the woman mean? A. It' s too late now. B. They don' t want to take train. C. They won' t miss the train. 28. Where did the man come? A. An evening party. B. A welcome party. C. A farewell party. 29. What does Tom like best? A. Listening to musiC. B. Playing basketball, C. Playing computer games. 30. Does Marry often buy story books? A. No, she doesn't. B. Yes, she does. C. No, she likes playing. 第二部分英语知识运用 第一节单项填空 阅读下面的句子和对话,从 A.、B.、C.三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选 项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 31. After school", I play basketball and she plays ________piano. A. a B. an C. the 32. Nancy is not ________ famous in the United States, but also abroad. A. only B. As C. so 33. I visited a friend of ________ in town and then caught a train home. A. Me B. My C. mine 34. You are half an hour late. Try to come to class________ time tomorrow. A. On B. at C. by 35. --Could you give me a few more minutes? - ________. Take your time. A.Not at all B. Certainly C. You' re welcome 36. Jane lost ________ of bet car on the ice last night. A. Chance B. Interest C. control 37. An old man is________ stories to the children on the grass. A. telling B. saying C. speaking 38. Robert sat at the table with smokers on ________ side of him. A. all B. Both C. either 39. I'm not________ sure whether Terry will come with us tomorrow evening. A. Already B. quite C. still 40. She' s going to night school________ she can learn computer programming. A. what B. where C. which 41. I' 11 call you this evening and let you________how she is. A. know B. knowing C. to know 42. Mr. Smith began learning Chinese in his________. A. forty B. Forties C. fortieth 43. She looked out of the window to see if it________. A. was raining B. has rained C. is raining 44. Your paper is well ________ but it' s too long and you have to cut it short. A. to write B. Writing C. written 45. John can help you with the food when he ________ cleaning the tables. A. will finish B. Finished C. finishes 第二节完形填空. 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的 A.、B.、C.三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳 选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 The night before I was to have surgery( 手 术 ) , Jeremy, my nine-year-old son,became worried. "I am worried46 you, Mom. I' m afraid 47 the doctor might make a 48" I told him that my surgery was not49 and there was no need50. "But what if he makes a small mistake?" he asked. Then I told him that the doctor51 years of experience( 经 验 ) and52 small mistakes were impossible. "But what if he 53?" Jeremy asked. "Then he would be 54 a lot of trouble," I smiled. "You 55 we could get a lot of money from him," Jeremy brightened, "and I could get a new bike?" 46.A. About B. with C. by 47. A. what B. That C. if 48. A. Mistake B. problem C. question 49. A. Easy B. ready C. difficult 50. A. Worried B. to worry C. worrying 51. A. would have B. Had C. was having 52. A. Only B. Even C. already 53. A. does B. has C. will 54. A. Under B. On C. in 55. A. Mean B. Agree C. decide 第三部分阅读 第一节短文理解 阅读下面短文,从 A.(Right)、B.(Wrong)、C.(Doesn’t say)三个判断中选择一个正确选 项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Every Tuesday, Carina goes to work in a bank. She knows all her customers (顾 客 ) very well, because they are her classmates. In fact, Carina and her customers are all 10 years old. Carina' s bank is in a school in Chicago. The bank is a branch( 分 支 ) of a national( 国 家 的 )bank, but the "children run it themselves. It is open for 30 minutes a week. Every Tuesday morning, Carina opens the bank. Her classmates put their money in or take their money out. The bank pays interest to them. The idea for a school bank came from their teacher, Mr. Harry Bassett. Mr. Bassett took his idea to the national bank. The bank agreed to his plan. "We want to give the children a chance to learn about money," said Mr. Bassett. "We are training them to look after their money carefully. " The next plan for the school bank is a credit card. "Many people in the USA don' t use credit cards very well," said Mr. Bassett. "our school bank will give the pupils some practice in using credit cards. " Pupils will be able to buy school meals and books with the credit cards. 56. The school bank opens once a week. A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn' t say 57. Mr. Bassett is a bank cashier. A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn' t say 58. Carina suggested opening the school bank.
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