还是先从"未婚先孕"的直接原因说起吧。旧社会有的人有"婚前性生活"的行为,亦即英语的"premarital sex". "premarital sex "这种不文明行为引起的不文明结果就是"未婚先孕":"premarital pregnancy"。有同志问:"为什么不用"extramarital pregnancy",而用"premarital pregnancy"译"未婚先孕"呢?回答是"extramarital"(多指已婚女子)含义比"premarital"广,而 "premarital pregnancy"(多指未婚女子,且孕后还是可婚的)更紧扣原文。
"未婚先孕"者如果符合婚姻法关于结婚的规定,当然势必抓紧结婚。这种"奉子女之命"的婚姻,英语有个现成的词儿--"shotgun marriage"。下例中的"shotgun wedding"正是这种婚姻的婚礼。请看,连伴郎都没有,多狼狈啊!
One morning there was a shotgun wedding with no best man……
--Albert Eisele:Almost to the Presidency,US 1972,p.37
It is impossible to consider the physical and emotional aspects of individual sexual attitudes and behaviour without considering some of the history of female infanticide, bound feet, child marriage, arranged marriage, dowry, wifely subjugation, concubinage and widespread prostitution.
--ChinaNow,May/June 1978,p.17
上文我们已经指出了"extramarital"的含义比"premarital"广,这里还可以得到进一步说明:上例中的 "concubinage"必涉及"extramarital sex",却不能说是"premarital sex"。但是,上例中虽提到了指"童养媳"的"child marriage"却没有提到另一种不文明的婚姻陋习--"早婚"。早婚早在拿破仑时代就遭到否定了。请看下例:
Early marriage must be discouraged to keep the birthrate down.
一Will&Ariel Durant: The Age of Napoleon, NY 1975, p.402
"早婚"与否的标准,取决于各国法律所规定的"可以结婚的年龄",即英语"marriageable age"或"marriage age":未满法定结婚年龄结婚者为早婚。我国新《婚姻法》对早婚而提倡晚婚。这"晚婚",英语就是"late marrmge",请看:
Marriage is based On comradeship, and late marriage is encouraged so that people don't make rash mistakes in choosing a partner.
--China Now, March/April 1979,p.16
一般法律只规定满多少岁可以结婚,至于男女双方一定要年龄相同与否以及最多可以相差几岁,则是不加规定的。所以事实上各种情况都有。其中,男方年龄超过女方很多的,姑称之为"老夫少妻"式婚姻吧,英语叫做"May-(to)December marriage",请看:
Firmly fixed at the center Of Cannon's personal life is her 13-year-old daughter, Jannifer, the product of herMay-to-December marriage to Gary Grant,which endedin a stormy divorce and custody battle.
--Look, April 30, 1979, p.78
严格地说英语"May-(to-)December marriage"中的"May"系指女方、"December"系指男方。所以用它译"红颜白发"也许更合适。反之,如果女方年龄比男方大许多,那么这种"老妻少夫"式的婚姻,该译做"December-May marriage"了吧。这种双方年龄悬殊的婚姻,大半如同上例所示,其终于"ended in a stormy divorce",是不足为奇的了。
The Federal system gave rise to the practice Of "migratory'' divorce, with people traveling around the Republic to take advantage Of liberal states' laws. But Nevadawas determined to crush the competition. In 1931, it enacted a six-week residency requirement for divorce, and legalized gambling to boot. The marriage, so to speak, of divorce and gambling produced a growth industry.
Michelle Triola Marvin filed a breach contract claim against actor Lee Marvin for half Of his $3.6 million earnings during the period of six and a half years when they lived together, but were not married. Ms. Marvin said the actor had expressed the intention of sharing his assets with her; therefore, she argued, at the dissolution Of their relationship she deserved a property settlement comparable to that due a wife. In a 1976 landmark case, the California Supreme Court overruled 2 lower courts, deciding that Ms. Marvin had the right to sue for payment of such "palimony"。
-The World Almanac&Bookas per The Study of Currenttember 1980, p.35
Palimony, the term for sharing money after an unmarried couple have split, survives the Lee Marvin case
--Time, January 28, 1980, p.60
Not since the Lee Marvin "Palimony'' ease has a Hollywood courtroom drama attracted such attention.
--Time, March 23, 1981, p.58
如前所述,这种尚未结婚也不打算结婚而又经常公然一起同居的男女在美国大有人在。这种人的存在给英语造成了一定的困难:既不能称之为"fiance (e)",又不能名之以"boy/girl friend"!究竟如何称呼是好呢?有说"live-in boy/girl friend"的,有说"chamber-mate"的,似乎都不贴切。这就是下例中提出来的"语言难题 (linguist problem)"。美国人口调查局总给了这种人一个比较确切的名称--"合用住所的异性伙伴"。请看:
How to handle the linguistic problem of what to call the person with whom one`s daughter lives?……The Census Bureau call them "Partners of the Opposite Sex Sharing Living Quarters'' or PossLQs.
--Time, November 27, 1978, p.49
A woman from Dallas took her PossLQ home for the weekend recently to meet her parents.
--Ibid., p.50
"订婚"也好,"婚约"也好,既有"订"、有"约",顾名思义,当然是一种契约--是婚姻的"预约",即男女双方预先约定今后结婚。如众所周知,英语是"marriage"。但千万不要把"婚约"译成"contract of marriage"、"marriage contract"或"marital contract"--那都是"结婚"!
那么,"婚约"的英语是什么呢?--"contract to marry"是也。
不信,请比较以下三个实例(例1为我国新婚姻法的第二章"结婚"的英译;例2、3均见于You and the Law一书):
Marriage Contract
--"China`s Marriage Law",Peking Review,No.11,1981,p.24
2.The fact that none of these considerations may be mentioned at the time Of marriage doesn't make them less binding.They are inherent in the marital contract.
--You and the Law,1980,p.209
3.You also cannot assign your contract to marry.(婚约也不能转让)
从结构着眼,"marriage contract"乃是"contract of marriage"的一种变体,而"marriage contract"中的定语名词换成形容词,就成了它的另一种变体--"marital contract"。
结婚,在英美法(Anglo-American Law)来看,同买卖一样--都是一种契约即合同。"买卖"本身(作为一种契约)英语可作"contract of sale",而买卖的预约(即为了今后的买卖而预先订立的契约),则是"contract to sell"。"contract of sale"与"contract to sell"指的是两事而不是一码事(下例中用连词"and"而不用"or"就是结构上的证明),不容混淆。请看:
Because a contract of sale and a contract to sell resemble other contracts, the remedies available to both sides for nonperformance are similar to the usual remedies for breach of contract.
--You and the Law, 1980, pp.224-5
谈"结婚"、"订婚"而竟谈到"买卖合同"了,似乎有点不像话。但是读者一定很明白,我们是要从结构上用"contract of sale'"与"contract to sell"之各不相同作为旁证(corroborative evidence),借以论证"contract to marry"与"contract of marriage"(包括其变体在内)之迥然有异-前者为"订婚",后者乃"结婚",这是不可不辨。