I ) 全球化的加剧使各国金融市场越来越容易受到别国市场起伏的影响。
The intensification of globalization has made the financial market of any country more vulnerable to booms and busts in other countries.
2)这款产品过去可谓是公司的摇钱树现在却只占总销售收人的5% 。
This model ,which used to be the cash cow of the company, only accounts for 5% of its total sales revenue now.
3 ) 当地政府对这次危机的反应和它声称重视环保的态度完全不—致。
The local authorities’ response to the crisis seemed grossly inconsistent with its proclaimed commitment to environmental protection.
4 ) 新任命的委员会主席在演讲中告诫银行和其他金融机构不要过度投机或将贷款门放得过低。
In his speech, the newly-appointed chairman of the committee warned banks and other financial institutions against over speculation and reckless lending.
The company has recently introduced a new assembly line in the hope that improved technology can translate into higher productivity.
The new policy comes into effect this month, but whether it can deliver the expected benefits remains to be seen.
7 ) 要想维持他们目前的生活水平,你必须使他们的工资和物价上涨保持一致。
To sustain their present standards of living, you have to bring their income into line with rising prices.
8 ) 要实现经济繁荣和环境淸沽的双重目标,该国比其邻国更具有资金和技术上的优势.
This country has a great advantage over its neighbors in terms of the financial and technological resources needed to achieve the dual goal of economic prosperity and cleaner environment.
9)经济衰退期间,就业市场前景暗淡。During the economic recession, the outlook for job opportunities was bleak.
1 0 ) 如果和这家经销商的谈判失敗.我们会考虑直接设立自己的零售点。
Should our negotiation with the agency break down, we’ll consider setting up our own retail outlets.