1) 为了我们的事业成功,干杯!
To the success of our business, Cheers!
2) 我敬您一杯,祝您身体健康,前程似锦。
I’d like to propose a toast to your health and to your bright future.
3) 请大家和我一起举杯,祝我们两国的友谊地久天长。
May I invite you to join me in a toast to the enduring friendship between our two nations.
4) 能受邀参加此次盛会,我感到无比荣幸。
I feel so privileged and honored to be invited to this grand meeting.
5) 谢谢贵方的热情款待。
Thank you for your warm reception.
6) 饭店我们早就预定好了,客人到了后就直接去就餐。
We have booked the seats in a restaurant, and will take the guests there as soon as they arrive.
7) 晚宴采取自助餐的形式。
We will have a buffet dinner.
8) 今晚我们将在海湾酒店设宴欢迎阁下,敬请光临。
We will prepare a banquet in your honor at Gulf Hotel this evening. We are looking forward to seeing you then.
9) 您想喝点什么?
What would you like to drink?
10) 白酒太烈了,我恐怕喝不了。
I’m afraid Chinese spirits are too strong for me.
11) 这是我们当地的特色小吃,来,尝尝看。
This is our local speciality. Please have a taste.
12) 你的酒量应该不小吧。
I would think you must be good at drinking, is that so?
13) 我能喝一点,但不习惯喝这么快。
I can drink a little, but I’m not used to drinking so quickly.
14) 我想吃点口味比较清淡的菜。
I prefer some dishes of light taste.
15) 我想喝点红酒。
I would like some red wine.
16) 我们这儿靠海,菜主要以海鲜为主。
We live in a coastal city, so we have plenty of sea food.
17) 这是我给您点的清蒸螃蟹,来,随便吃。
This is steamed crab. I ordered it for you; please, help yourself.
18) 这道菜色香味俱全,太可口了!
This dish is good in color, smell and taste. It’s very delicious.
19) 酒逢知己千杯少。
A thousand toasts are too few among bosom friends.
20) 今晚我们将设宴为您饯行。
We will have a farewell dinner in your honor tonight.