go a long way 有用
go about 从事
go ahead 说吧
go all out doing sth 竭尽全力
go around with a chip on one's shoulder 到处寻衅
go at it 努力奋斗
go broke 破产
go down 下降;被记录下来
go down the drain 前功尽弃;白费心机
go downhill 每况愈下
go Dutch 各自付帐
go easy 节省一点;少用一些
go fly a kite 滚开
go for 努力求得;想要
go get them 动手吧
go into 深入讨论
go on 继续;接近
go on a bender 喝酒喧哗
go on the horse 快一点吧
go over 研究;检查
go steady 确定恋爱关系
go through 细查;经历
go through with 完成
go to pieces 破成碎片