资料题:With what topic is the passage mainly concerned( )。
A.The work and career of George Washington Carver
B.The research conducted at Tuskegee Institute
C.The progress of the science o[ synthetics
D.The use of plants s a source of nutrition
- 1In Line2, the word ''step" could best be replaced by( )。
开始考试点击查看答案 - 2Why does the author mention Thomas Edison' s offer to Carver( )。
A.To illustrate one of Carver’smany opportunities
B.To portray the wealth of one of Carver' B competitors
C.To contrast Edison'scontribution with that of Carver
D.To describe Carver's dependence on industrial support
开始考试点击查看答案 - 3Which of the following is NOT discussed in the passage as work done by Carver( )。
A.Research on electricity
B.Analysis of plant parts
C.Invention of new products
D.Battle against the disposal of waste materials
开始考试点击查看答案 - 4Which of the following present -day causes is most similar to One of Carver's main concerns( )。
A.Preventive medicine
B.Recycling of used materials
C.Preservation of old buildings
D.Prevention of cruelty to animals