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资料题:In the first paragraph, the word“deal" could best be replaced by which of the following( )。




C.are playing

D.are concerned


The old adage(格言) of the title has a parallel in the scientific world"all research leads to biomedical advances" .The fact that research in one discipline contributes to another is well understood by the scientific community.It is not, however, so clear t the public a to public policy - makers.Because public support for funding of biomedical research is strong, the scientific community could build a more effective case for public support of all science by articulating how research in other disciplines benefits biological medicine.The time is ripe(成熟) to improve public appreciation of science.A recent National Science Foundation survey suggested that Americans continue to support research expenditures.In addition,public opinion polls indicate that scientists and science leaders enjoy enviably high public esteems.Instead of lamenting the lack of public understanding of science, we can work to enhance pubic appreciation of scientific research by showing how investigations are in many areas close-knit and contribute to biomedical advances.A crucial task is t convey to the public, in easily understood terns, the specific benefits and the overall good that result from research in allareas of science.Take, for example, agricultural research.On the surface, it may appear to have made few significant contributions to biomedical advances, except those directly related to human nutrition.This view is incorrect, however.In the case of nutrition, the connections between agricultural and biomedical research are best exemplified by the vitamin discoveries.At the tum of the century,when the concept of vitamins had mot yet surfaced and nutrition as a scientific discipline did not exist, it was in a department of agricultural chemistry that the first true demonstration of vitamins was made.Single-grain feeding experiments documented the roles of vitamins A and B.The essential role of some minerals (iron and copper) was shown later, and these discoveries provided the basis of modem human nutrition research.Despite such direct links, however, it is the latest discoveries that have been made in agricultural research that reveal is true importance to bio medicine.Life-saving antibiotics such asstreptomycin(链霉素) were discovered in soil microorganisms.The first embryo transplant was made in a dairy cow, and related research led to advances in the understanding of human reproduction.


  • 1What does the passage mainly discuss( )。

    A.The difference between"scieni6c" and"unscientific" explanations

    B.The difference between human and animal behavior

    C.How fear would be explained by the psychologist, physiologist, and molecular biologist

    D.How scientists differ in their approaches to explaining natural phenomena.

  • 2Which of the following is most clearly analogous to the example in the passage of the person who fears dogs( )。

    A.A child chokes an a fish-bone andas an adolescent is reluctant to eat fish

    B.A person feels lonely and after a while buys a dog for companionship

    C.A child studies science in school and later grows up to become a teacher

    D.A person hears that a snowstormis predicted and that evening is afraid to drive home

  • 3According to the passage, which of he following is important in explaining a muscle movement( )。

    A.The flow of blood to the muscles

    B.Classical conditioning

    C.Protein interactions

    D.The entry of unpleasant stimuli through the cell membrane

  • 4Which of the following does the author imply is the type of scientific explanation most likely used by a molecular biologist( )。




