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We should know that we can only reach the top if we are ready to ________ and learn from failure.


A.deal with

B.stick to

C.carry on

D.go with


  • 1On the eve of the Spring Festival, we were so amused with Zhao Benshan' s performance that we kept on ________ laughter.

    A.bursting out

    B.bursting forth

    C.bursting into

    D.bursting in

  • 2The government knows what to ________ to control the high CPI with the purpose of ensuring people's living level.

    A.take in

    B.take up

    C.take over

    D.take down

  • 3While we were listening to the speech attentively, a voice ________ to announce the result of the election.

    A.broke in

    B.broke up

    C.broke off

    D.broke down

  • 4There is even an animal whose tail will________so that it can run away if someone grabs it.

    A.break down

    B.break up

    C.break out

    D.break off

  • 5Billy was the youngest boy on the hike, but he________with the others.

    A.kept up

    B.turned up

    C.caught up

    D.drew up

  • 6By making friends with the native speakers, one can ________ a lot of their language.

    A.take up

    B.set up

    C.pick up

    D.put up

  • 7He has recently ________ golf to provide himself with some relaxation.

    A.taken on

    B.taken with

    C.taken over

    D.taken up

  • 8Elizabeth took up writing while she was at college and regularly________the college magazine, which benefited her later career a lot.

    A.waited for

    B.appealed to

    C.contributed to

    D.came for

  • 9I've ________ all my papers but I still can't find the contract.

    A.looked into

    B.looked up

    C.looked through

    D.looked after

  • 10—How long do you think the terrible snow will ________?—Sorry, I didn't listen to the weather forecast.

    A.get through

    B.cast down

    C.fade out

    D.keep up
