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The fourth paragraph mainly tells us ________.


A.ways to deal with climate change

B.the costs to deal with climate change

C.cloud whitening costs much less than other projects

D.leading nations waste much money in cutting CO2 emissions


  • 1“Marine cloud whitening” has an effect on global warming by ________.

    A.cutting sunlight

    B.sending cold air into space

    C.cooling water in the air

    D.cooling air with water

  • 2Finger-prints have often been used as a method of solving criminal cases because it ________.

    A.is complicated but reliable

    B.is simple and not expensive

    C.is expensive but easy to do

    D.can bring a lot of money

  • 3Some criminals remove their own finger-prints by ________.

    A.using printer’s ink

    B.injuring the inner skin

    C.damaging the outer skin

    D.damaging the colour

  • 4If your fingers are wounded by knife, fire or other means, the structure of skin will ________.

    A.be changed partly

    B.be replaced by a different one

    C.be the same when the wound is recovered

    D.become ugly

  • 5Scientists and experts have proved that the pattern of a human being’s finger skin ________.

    A.is similar to his mother’s

    B.is valuable to himself only

    C.is like that of others with the same type of blood

    D.is different from that of all others

  • 6Compared to other projects, cloud whitening ________.

    A.has a greater effect on volcanoes

    B.will bring more benefits

    C.will benefit man’s health most

    D.can reduce temperatures in a better way

  • 7It can be learned from the last two paragraphs that cloud whitening ________.

    A.helps us learn more about global warming

    B.means cutting CO2 emissions

    C.is the best way to deal with climate change

    D.can’t stop global warming basically

  • 8If sleep mode goes wrong,what will probably happen to your computer、

    A.It will consume as little energy as possible.

    B.It is more likely to be damaged by a virus picked up from the Internet.

    C.It will have to be rebooted when used again.

    D.It has to be shut down and unplugged.

  • 9Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the text that contributes to the different amount of energy a computer consumes、

    A.Whether it is a laptop or a desktop computer.

    B.What kind of work the computer is dealing with.

    C.The choice of how you use your computer.

    D.Whether the operating systems are new.

  • 10When does a computer consume the most energy、

    A.When we let it remain idle.

    B.When we use it to do complex calculations.

    C.When we use it to type some documents and e-mail.

    D.When we use it for surfing the Internet.
