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We can learn from the passage that _____.


A.many foreign drivers have been fined by Britain police

B.300,000 German vehicles enter Britain every year

C.25 percent of foreign vehicles entering Britain have failed safety tests

D.British drivers will be punished with points and fines for breaking the traffic law


  • 1The foreign drivers who break the traffic law and do not pay on the spot are likely to be forted up to_____.





  • 2The first paragraph serves as a(n)_____





  • 3The passage in mainly about    _____

    A.how Chinese students won the awards in the competition

    B.why bloggers should take responsibility for their blogs

    C.how Miss Gao won the first prize in the competition

    D.what the result of the competition was

  • 4What Miss Gao said suggests that    _____

    A.she likes to blame the authorities

    B.she has a sense of responsibility

    C.she thinks highly of the others’ blogs

    D.she loves to read valuable posts

  • 5Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage、

    A.Chinese students won most of the awards.

    B.Not all the themes were about local subjects

    C.The blogs could be written in Chinese or Singlish.

    D.The judges were from university in Singapore and China.

  • 6The new traffic law is mainly intended to _____.

    A.limit the number of foreign vehicles entering Britain

    B.increase the British movement’s additional income

    C.lower the rate of traffic accidents and injuries

    D.get foreign drives to appear in count

  • 7The first and last scenic spots to he visited in Xi’an are  _____.

    A.the Terracotta Warriors and the Great Mosque

    B.the Terracotta Warriors and shanghai provincial Museum

    C.little wild goose Pagoda and Great Mosque

    D.Little wild goose Pagoda and the Muslim Quarter

  • 8Which of the following is TRUE according to the ad 、

    A.The tourists will have to pay extra for fuel and meals.

    B.The tourists will visit the 1920’s Shikumen buildings in Beijing

    C.The tourists will take a side trip to the Three Gorges Dam during the tour.

    D.The tourists will stay in Beijing for three nights before leaving for the UK

  • 9The ad is mainly intended to _____.

    A.encourage the British to travel in China

    B.attract the British to traditional Chinese food

    C.offer service of booking air tickets to tourists

    D.provide the British with a better understanding of China.

  • 10To find the direction, we ought to be patient probably because _____

    A.it is not easy to find a proper stick

    B.it is not easy to position the stick

    C.it takes hours to make the marks

    D.it takes about half an hour to make the marks
