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What can we learn about flights to New Zealand at Christmas time、


A.They require early booking.

B.They can be twice as expensive.

C.They are on special offer.


  • 1What advice does the woman give to the man、

    A.Go to New Zealand after Christmas.

    B.Book his flight as soon as possible.

    C.Save more money for his trip.

  • 2How long will the man probably stay in New Zealand、

    A.One week.

    B.Two weeks.

    C.Three weeks.

  • 3What does the woman think about the man’s idea、

    A.It’s interesting.

    B.It’s worth trying.

    C.It’s impractical.

  • 4What does the man suggest、

    A.Limiting the use of cars.

    B.Encouraging people to walk.

    C.Warning drivers of air pollution.

  • 5What are the speakers talking about、

    A.A way to improve air quality.

    B.A problem with traffic miles.

    C.A suggestion for city planning.

  • 6Why did Jane call Mike、

    A.To ask him to meet her.

    B.To tell him about Tom.

    C.To borrow his car.

  • 7Where will Jane be in about one hour、

    A.At Mike’s place.

    B.At the airport.

    C.At a garage.

  • 8What can we infer from the conversation、

    A.Jane has just learned to drive.

    B.Jane’s car is in bad condition.

    C.Mike will go to the airport.

  • 9What did the speaker ask the students to do the week before、

    A.Write a short story.

    B.Prepare for the lesson.

    C.Learn more about the writer.

  • 10Why does the speaker ask the questions、

    A.To check the students’ understanding of the story.

    B.To draw the students’ attention to reading skills.

    C.To let the students discuss father-son relationships.
