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Which of the following is true about affirmative action according to the text、


A.A vast majority of people support it.

B.The minorities claim it to be a discriminatory policy.

C.The minority students are more likely to welcome it.

D.The Court's decision will certainly change people's attitude to it.


  • 1What is the attitude of the Department of Education towards affirmative action、





  • 2Connerly insists that the Court's ruling should .

    A.win approval from Californian voters before it is put in effect

    B.be contested by the Michigan voters with an opinion poll

    C.be applied in some states before it is extended to other states

    D.produce the intended practical effect before it is widely accepted

  • 3What the critics said in the first paragraph amounts to the idea that .

    A.no admission policies based on race should be implemented

    B.minority applicants should be given favorable considerations

    C.different standards for admitting minority students should be set up

    D.selective colleges and universities should be punished for their discriminatory policies

  • 4It can be inferred from the text that one of the major objectives of affirmative action is to .

    A.discourage the practice of racial discrimination in college admissions

    B.adapt the Supreme Court's ruling to college situations

    C.formulate the right policies for college admissions

    D.ensure race-neutral programs are set up in college and universities

  • 5People will be able to write as many as words per minute with Dasher.





  • 6In the author's view, the greatest trouble with the US society lies in the .

    A.lack of serious disagreement over the organizations of social life

    B.non-existence of unanimity on the forms the society should take

    C.general denying of its conformity with what it was unexpected to be

    D.public negation of the consensus on how to conduct social reforms

  • 7Homer's epics mentioned in Paragraph 1 exemplify the fact that .

    A.the present is varying too fast to be caught up easily

    B.the future may be so indefinite as to be unpredictable

    C.the past can help to shape a consensus in the present

    D.the past determines social moralities for later generations

  • 8The asocial personality of Americans results from .

    A.the multiracial constituents of the US society

    B.the absence of a common religion and ancestry

    C.the want of shared myths they possess in life

    D.the obstruction of achieving a general agreement

  • 9It can be inferred from Paragraph 2 that Christopher Lasch is most probably .

    A.an earnest nationalist

    B.an advanced psychologist

    C.a radical reformer

    D.a social historian

  • 10The author concludes that only shared myths can help Americans .

    A.to bring about the uniformity of their culture

    B.to diminish their great individual differences

    C.to avoid the sense of being isolated and anxious

    D.to regain the feelings of social values and morale
