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From the third paragraph we learn that .


A.the means by which we analyze a literary work cannot be applied to the analysis of the film

B.a good film and a good story have many elements in common

C.we should not pay extra effort to study films

D.using the principles of literary analysis makes no difference in film analysis


  • 1Why is it not handy to study film、

    A.Because screenplay is not as well written as literary works.

    B.Because a film cannot be effectively represented by a printed screenplay.

    C.Because a film is too complicate

    D.D.Because publishers prefer to publish literary works.

  • 2What is mainly discussed in the text、

    A.The uniqueness of film.

    B.The importance of film analysis.

    C.How to identify the techniques a film uses.

    D.The relationship between film analysis and literary analysis.

  • 3Why can't we divide film into various elements for analysis、

    A.Because these elements are interwoven with each other and cannot keep be separated without failing to appreciate a film as a whole.

    B.Because films cannot be written down and it is inconvenient to analyse them.

    C.Because films elements are too complicate

    D.D.Because films need not to be analysed in detail.

  • 4What does the word"it"refer to in the last sentence of the passage、

    A.The analytical method.

    B.The fragmenting technique.


    D.B.The fragmenting techniqu


  • 5Why does At Home want to buy Excite、

    A.Because Tom Jermoluk wants to control his strongest competitor.

    B.Because it wants to expand its business through Excite's present resources.

    C.Because both companies are based in Redwood city, California.

    D.Because it has lost $ 9.7 million in the last three months.

  • 6Before the At Home-Excite deal, Excite had attempted a deal with .





  • 7How does AT&T fit into the picture of the At Home-Excite deal、

    A.Excite has been dealing with AT&T for some time.

    B.AT&T and At Home has been running At Home Networks jointly.

    C.AT&T is about to ally with TCI, the owner of At Home.

    D.AT&T runs Internet, of which Excite is an important user.
