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We know from the text that the Mars mission is _____.


A.one of NASA's internet projects

B.an expedition to Mars

C.the infrastructure of the interplanetary Internet

D.to create an architecture on Mars


  • 1It can be inferred from the last paragraph that _____.

    A.the dream to build interplanetary Internet can be fulfilled in the future

    B.interplanetary Internet will be commercialized in 100 years

    C.the research of Internet took 50 years

    D.it will take a long time to build interplanetary Internet

  • 2From the text, we learn that Vinton Cerf is _____.

    A.seeking answers to questions about the Internet web

    B.working on interplanetary Internet with collaboration of NASA

    C.trying to commercialize the interplanetary Internet

    D.exploring the possibility of establishing Internet network on Mars

  • 3According to Cerf, the purpose to design interplanetary internet is to _____.

    A.send real-time science data

    B.communicate with astronauts

    C.lay foundation for future technological advances

    D.commercialize the technology

  • 4The author develops his writing mainly by means of _____.





  • 5Which of the following did the author probably suggest、

    A.Support not the most supported.

    B.Deny everything others believe.

    C.Throw all tradition into trashcan.

    D.B.Deny everything others believ

    E.C.Throw all tradition into trashcan.D.Keep your eyes open all the time.

  • 6Which of the following is the main point of the text、

    A.The development of the Internet.

    B.The possibility of space research.

    C.Universal information superhighway.

    D.The technological advances of the Mars mission.

  • 7From the text, we know that the Great Lakes _____.

    A.are equally located between Canada and the U.S

    B.contain a small part of the world's fresh water

    C.are governed neither by Canada nor by the U.S

    D.have water not as fresh as before

  • 8In the first two paragraphs, the author suggests that _____.

    A.a commission was established to coordinate mutual activities of the governments

    B.the Boundary Waters Treaty of 1909 has become out-of-date

    C.the huge drainage schemes are to blame for land run-offs

    D.the economic change has contributed to environmental improvement

  • 9Which of the following shows that water quality has improved、

    A.Fish and birds show no residues of heavy metal.

    B.Toronto has grown salmon successfully in its waters.

    C.Farming has prospered in the lakeside areas.

    D.Lake water has been drawn for use by the population.

  • 10Which of the following causes concerns of the public and the scientists、

    A.Fish farming.

    B.Urban population.

    C.Decreased rainfall.

    D.More landslid
