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From the passage, we learn that .


A.the aging process becomes quicker as people live longer

B.one's life span has nothing to do with his genetic constitution

C.aging may not be caused by the body's genetic program

D.normal development dictates the maximum age of a person


  • 1The word "humble" (Line 9, Par

    A.4) denotes .A.self-importance in bearing

    B.modesty in behavior

    C.a free of care character

    D.easy-goingness in manners

  • 2Richard Spencer's comment implies that the Palestinian leader .

    A.should have declared the formation of a Palestinian state

    B.failed to identify a historical opportunity when it arose

    C.failed to live up to his image as a strong leader

    D.should have been flexible in his approach to dealing with the Israelis

  • 3The possible reason to drop the U.S. presidents from the contest is that .

    A.The magazine deliberately disregarded popularity in the contest

    B.most of the readers endorsed Dennis Papathanasiou's choice

    C.The editors decided that they were not strong contenders

    D.The purpose of the contest was to outwit the readers

  • 4What is NOT true of Ronald Reagan、

    A.He was a trade union leader before assuming the governorship of California.

    B.He threatened to bomb the Soviet Union on the advise of an astrologer.

    C.He projected an image of tough guy when he was the U.S. president.

    D.His memory could only be relied on in times of crisis.

  • 5Dennis Papathasiou's comment suggests .

    A.Lawrence Berra is no doubt a confused character.

    B.It is hard to have a conversation with Lawrence Berra.

    C.It is wrong to underestimate a person of modest education.

    D.The baseball player is philosophical about lif

  • 6The example of the "aging car" is used to make the point that .

    A.aging is actually a by-product of the life process

    B.any car may break down or collapse over time

    C.no car can function at optimum levels due to inferior fuel

    D.efficient rate of combustion is most important to the car

  • 7A "basic trade-off" (Line 3, Par

    A.3) is a process .A.by which old cars are traded off for new ones

    B.by which any organism depends on others for oxygen

    C.through which an organism gets rid of harmful substances

    D.in which any use carries with it an inherent side effect

  • 8Which of the following statements is true according to the passage、

    A.Aging would never take place if we developed a special fuel additive.

    B.We would live forever if we developed a magic medicine for longevity.

    C.Longevity is determined by diverse kinds of factors.

    D.Nothing can be done to prolong a life when it comes to its natural end.

  • 9The "human car" analogy is faulty in the way that .

    A.unlike a person, a car does not have a life span

    B.a human being has a self-repairing capacity

    C.no can is expected to last longer than a life

    D.a car cannot be restored to its original state once damaged

  • 10Which of the following is the argument against globalization、

    A.The world will become a globalized economic entity.

    B.Cultural identities in some countries will be compromised.

    C.Transnational corporations will take advantage of the poor countries.

    D.Poor countries will be dominated by the powerful ones.
