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We can learn from the text that Freud's studies.


A.are more ambiguous than any other scientific invention

B.have influenced other scientific inventions

C.cause Surrealism

D.have infiltrated Surrealism


  • 1The welding techniques.

    A.can cause a lot of changes in sculpture arts

    B.permit details of an object to be seen clearly

    C.can superimpose multiple sides of sculptor's designs

    D.can make artists adaptable to be surroundings

  • 2According to the passage,it is true that.

    A.artistic creations seem to be the reproductions of modern technology

    B.artistic creations have made great strides scientifically

    C.artistic creations appear to be incapable of ignoring material advances

    D.artistic creations are the reflection of the material world

  • 3What will most possibly follow the text、

    A.An example of how an entrepreneur operates.

    B.Another theory about entrepreneurship.

    C.The bad effects of entrepreneurs.

    D.The good effects of entrepreneurs.

  • 4The purpose of the author in writing the passage is to .

    A.complete the definition of entrepreneur

    B.tell the readers what is entrepreneur and the main characteristics of entrepreneurs

    C.show what kind of people can become entrepreneurs

    D.illustrate why Ray Kroc can become an entrepreneur

  • 5From the text, we learn that .

    A.an entrepreneur should be very extroverted

    B.an entrepreneur should be quick to seize opportunities

    C.change is not norm in an entrepreneurs eyes

    D.the French economist J.B. Say is the first person who gave the definition of "entrepreneur"

  • 6Which of the following is true about Surrealists、

    A.They diminished all time barriers and moral judgements to combine disconnected dream experiences.

    B.They tried to express their subconscious world.

    C.They could transform real existence into incoherent dreams.

    D.They wanted to substitute direct expressions for fragmented images.

  • 7The sentence "But this has rarely been a oneway street."in the last paragraph means that.

    A.contemporary art has been nourished by modern science

    B.modern science has been nourished by art

    C.artists can become scientists and scientists can become artists

    D.the impacts of modern art and science are actually mutual

  • 8___________________________________________________________________Esquel's plight is winning attention from international conservation and environmental groups such as Greenpeace.

    H.A. B. C. D. E. F. G.

  • 9__________________________About 3.2 million acres already are under contract for mineral exploration in poor and sparsely settled Chubut Province, where Esquel is, near the southern tip of South Americ


    H.a.A. B. C. D. E. F. G.

  • 10______________________________________Meridian's project, about 5 miles outside Esquel at a higher elevation, is about 20 miles from a national park that preserves rate trees known as alerces, a southern relative of California's giant sequoi

    A.Some of them have been growing serenely in the temperate rain forest for more than 3,000 years.The greatest fear is that cyanide, which is used to leach gold from ore, will drain downhill and poison Esquel's and possibly the park's water supplies. The mine will use 180 tons of the deadly chemical each month. Although many townspeople and some geologists disagree, the company says any excess cyanide would drain away from Esquel."We won't allow them to tear things up and leave us with the toxic aftermath," said Felix Aguilar, 28, as he piloted a boatload of tourists through a lake in the Alerces National Park."We take care of things here, so that the entire world can hear and see nature in its pure state. The world must help us prevent this."A.

    E.The world must help us prevent this."A. B. C. D. E.

    H.a. Some of them have been growing serenely in the temperate rain forest for more than 3,000 years.The greatest fear is that cyanide, which is used to leach gold from ore, will drain downhill and poison Esquel's and possibly the park's water supplies. The mine will use 180 tons of the deadly chemical each month. Although many townspeople and some geologists disagree, the company says any excess cyanide would drain away from Esquel."We won't allow them to tear things up and leave us with the toxic aftermath," said Felix Aguilar, 28, as he piloted a boatload of tourists through a lake in the Alerces National Park."We take care of things here, so that the entire world can hear and see nature in its pure state. The world must help us prevent this."A. B. C. D. E. F. G.
