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The passage is mainly concerned with _____ .


A.the different tastes of people for sports

B.the different characteristics of sports

C.the attraction of football

D.the attraction of baseball


  • 1The researchers discussed in the passage were mainly concerned with _____ .

    A.species of fish faced with extinction

    B.the ecology of fishing

    C.the effects of pollution on fishing

    D.commercial fishing

  • 2The theories based on the concepts of Darwin assume that fish population is controlled mainly by the _____ .

    A.size of the fish caught within a species

    B.amount of fishing pressure of the species

    C.racial characteristics of the species

    D.life expectancy within the species

  • 3The author indicates the main difference between the theories of Darwin and Nikolskii is the _____ .

    A.effect of food supply on the size of the fish

    B.the amount of fish that can be harvested

    C.methods used to catch fish

    D.cause of population variation in fish

  • 4Nikolskill theorizes that fish population is controlled mainly by the _____ .

    A.size of the fish caught within a species

    B.racial characteristics of the species

    C.amount of food available to the species

    D.death rate within a species

  • 5The portion of the total income of China's railways which comes from carrying cargo is _____ 80 percent.





  • 6Those who don't like baseball may complain that _____ .

    A.it is only to the taste of the old

    B.it involves fewer players than football

    C.it is not exciting enough

    D.it is pretentious and looks funny

  • 7The author admits that _____ .

    A.baseball is too peaceful for the young

    B.baseball may seem boring when watched on TV

    C.football is more attracting than baseball

    D.baseball is more interesting than football

  • 8We can safely conclude that the author _____ .

    A.likes football

    B.hates football

    C.hates baseball

    D.likes baseball

  • 9Through the doctrine of “true will”,Crowley encouraged people to _____ .

    A.ignore the normal morality

    B.find freedom through selfworship

    C.control everything by will power

    D.invent a new unconventional religion

  • 10How is magic defined in“Magic in Theory and Practice”、

    A.As a means of acquiring a certain state of mind.

    B.As a technique of speaking and acting in a certain way.

    C.As a form of natural power gained through using drugs.

    D.As a way of subduing natural laws by will power.
