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Through recounting and applying details,a person _____ .


A.gets his memory exercised

B.edits his experience in an orderly manner

C.learns to speak before the public

D.gets to know that has happened


  • 1The word“recount”in the first sentence of paragraph 2 probably means _____ .



    C.think about


  • 2The passage is mainly about _____ .

    A.the role of exercise in acquiring a good memory

    B.the use of memory in learning writing

    C.the role of memory in college learning

    D.the use of past experience in learning

  • 3What might be the author's attitude towards rationing care、

    A.He is neutral about it.

    B.He objects to it.

    C.He is confused by it.

    D.He is arguing for it.

  • 4In the first sentence of paragraph 2,the“moral dilemma”refers to whether _____ .

    A.to spend the limited resource on the old or on the young and healthy

    B.to modify the value on the macro level or on the individual level

    C.to spend money on the extremely ill or to use that money for the wellbeing of more people

    D.to refer the extremely ill to further treatment or to refuse to take them into hospital

  • 5In Britain,doctors _____ .

    A.rarely encourage the extremely ill to take further expensive treatment

    B.there is a special law concerning the treatment of the extremely ill

    C.the seriously ill usually reject any further expensive treatment

    D.kidney patients constitute the majority of the extremely ill

  • 6When trying to recall your memory,the author recommends,you start from _____ .

    A.the very beginning of the experience

    B.the very end of the experience

    C.something physical and concrete

    D.your own imagination

  • 7It can be inferred that underlying the two changes is the change of _____ .

    A.the instrument of production

    B.the size of the society

    C.the social structure

    D.the economic market

  • 8With what does the mechanical age reach its highest point、

    A.The steam engine.

    B.Nuclear power production.

    C.The combustion process.

    D.The energyproducing process of the sun.

  • 9With the coming of the information age,the society is becoming _____ .

    A.more intolerable


    C.more varied

    D.a pleasanter place

  • 10What characterizes the information society、

    A.The amount of knowledge to be learned.

    B.Physical energy and materials.

    C.Rapid change and its social effects.

    D.Small size and high capacity.
