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Some people dislike fairy stories because they feel that they _____ .


A.tempt people to be cruel to children

B.show the primitive cruelty in children

C.lend themselves to undesirable experiments with children

D.increase the tendency to be aggressive in children


  • 1The author considers that a fairy story is more effective when it is _____ .

    A.repeated without variation

    B.treated with correct attitude

    C.adapted by the parent

    D.suited to the age of the child

  • 2According to Newton's principle, _____ .

    A.the force of gravity keeps planets orbiting around the sun rather than flying off

    B.the sun is the most massive object, making up 99.8 percent of the mass of the solar system

    C.the amount of mass determine how fast the objects travel as they orbit each other

    D.Pluto receives the least force of gravity from the sun of all the planets in the solar system

  • 3The nearer a planet is to the sun, _____ .

    A.the lighter it is

    B.the greater gravity it exerts

    C.the heavier it is

    D.the faster it orbits

  • 4In astronomical terms, a cluster _____ .

    A.consists of galaxies

    B.consists of groups

    C.makes up superclusters

    D.makes up a group

  • 5Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage、

    A.Ninety percent of all the matter in the universe is invisible.

    B.Dark matter causes visible matter to behave in a strange way.

    C.Galaxies in a cluster sometimes behave in an unusual manner.

    D.invisible matter keeps galaxies together with gravity.

  • 6The author thinks that fairy stories are a means by which children's impulses may be _____ .

    A.beneficially channelled

    B.given a destructive tendency

    C.held back until maturity

    D.effectively suppressed

  • 7According to the author, fairy tales _____ in a child.

    A.create no fear at all

    B.create no confused feeling

    C.create too many fantasies

    D.create a sense of guiltiness

  • 8In the second sentence,“the oustanding example of success”here refers to the improvement on _____ .

    A.the quality of gasoline

    B.street conditions

    C.the speed of the car

    D.the design of the car engine

  • 9As a solution to the greenhouse problem, Dudek suggests _____ .

    A.using fewer cars than necessary

    B.stopping factories from emitting carbon dioxide

    C.improving the quality of factory equipment

    D.rebuilding and creating forests

  • 10In the third sentence of paragaph 3, by saying that“global warming is on the way…”,the author means _____ .

    A.the atmosphere is too hot to be bearable

    B.the earth is becoming increasingly warm

    C.global warming is becoming uncontrollable

    D.global warming is now within easy control
