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Finally the two researches _____ .


A.had quite different findings

B.got similar findings

C.failed since the mice soon died

D.had no particular results


  • 1The two researchers were similar in that both research groups _____ .

    A.had the same objective to their researches

    B.used the same procedures in their researches

    C.injected the same kind of blood cells into the mice

    D.used the same experimental instrument in their work

  • 2The purpose of the researches in those two universities was to _____ .

    A.use mouse blood to treat many diseases

    B.use human blood to cure sick mice

    C.find out how human immune system might be affected

    D.find out if human immune system was similar to that of mice

  • 3Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of the passage、

    A.Country leaders should be ready to yield to public opinion.

    B.Public opinions should be carefully used in policy making.

    C.Governmental policies should be made in line with public thinking.

    D.Public polls are useless unless they are used for policy making.

  • 4The Carter example shows that for a leader _____ .

    A.rational judgment is important in face of unfavorable public opinion

    B.public opinion is all the more important in difficult time

    C.it is advisable to ignore public opinion in handling bad economic situations

    D.it is important to be on good terms with both the Congress and the public

  • 5What Walter Lippmann means is that _____ .

    A.some government leaders can never run the government effectively

    B.in solving any problem,leaders should first try to find out the public opinion on it

    C.good leaders should learn to disregard public opinion in policy making

    D.leaders should take effective decisions based on sound judgment and act on them with determination

  • 6Comparedwith Standford University researchers,those in the other university _____ .

    A.experimented with fewer kinds of blood cells

    B.used a less advanced method

    C.employed a more direct method

    D.got less convincing results
