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Unsought goods _____ .


A.have to be new

B.have to be standardized

C.have to be promoted

D.have to be sent to consumers's homes


  • 1Shopping goods that are considered as basically the same are those _____ .

    A.that satisfy similar needs of the consumer

    B.that consumers don't care where to buy them

    C.that consumers spend much time to look for

    D.that can be found in nearly every shop

  • 2Staples(in the third paragraph) are commodities _____ .

    A.that people are in constant need of

    B.that people do not really want

    C.that people want but don't need

    D.that are convenient to purchase

  • 3A word processor can be looked on as satisfying a need rather than a want if _____ .

    A.it is used at home to do paper work

    B.it is used by a writer to type a novel

    C.it becomes the only means to an end

    D.a writer does not want to use it

  • 4Before suburbanization which began during the emergence of the industrial city,the city was a small highly compact cluster in which people moved around on foot and goods were _____ by horse and cart.





  • 5For some rare cases,the doctor does not base his diagnosis on the patient's _____ only but also on the results of tests.





  • 6This passage is mainly concerned with _____ .

    A.the communcation between a speaker and the audience

    B.the use of body language in addressing an audience

    C.various distractions of a speaker from the speech

    D.the appropriate use of voice level in public speech

  • 7The second sentence in the first paragraph intends to render the idea that _____ .

    A.distractions will render communication unlikely to happen

    B.attention to the audience in public speech is most important

    C.it takes great effort to overcome any distraction in public communication

    D.it is impossible to communicate when the audience are distracted from the speech

  • 8The second paragraph points out that it is important for a speaker _____ .

    A.to speak in an ordinary conversational tone

    B.to use electronic amplification in a large room

    C.to speak in a loud voice as in conversation

    D.to adapt voice level to the size of the room

  • 9According to the passage, in the course of speaking, a speaker should _____ .

    A.use overhead projectors to help him

    B.pay enough attention to the audience's reaction

    C.raise voice level to create special effect

    D.ignore any distraction from the environment

  • 10In what way does lens design resemble chess、

    A.In the number of steps each takes towards the goal.

    B.In the designs of the two activities.

    C.The steps to the goals and the goal itself are known.

    D.Each has a doer and a competitor.
