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It is obvious that the assumption behind horror stories is that _____ .


A.human beings are basically good

B.mankind is evil in nature

C.mankind can be taught to be good

D.both A and C


  • 1What is considered to be the most important ingredient that makes a horror story、





  • 2By saying that“many kinds of fiction are selfexplanatory”(the first sentence of paragraph 2),the author means _____ .

    A.they are easy to understand

    B.they are meant for ordinary readers

    C.they often use horror to develop their plots

    D.their categories show what they are about

  • 3In his novel, Edgar Allen Poe _____ .

    A.integrated the description of beauty into his horror story

    B.used a lot of typical descriptions of horror stories

    C.was universally considered as the father of horror story

    D.combined a touch of sadness in his description of horror

  • 4The author seems _____ the shift of emphasis to research.

    A.to be very dissatisfied with

    B.to be sorry to see

    C.to be in favor of

    D.to be neutral about

  • 5Supporters of the present emphasis on research argue that _____ .

    A.it involves more students in it

    B.it does good to students anyway

    C.it has a direct good effect on teaching

    D.it earns a lot of money for a university

  • 6In the third sentence of paragraph 3, the“troubled issue” refers to _____ .

    A.the death of the old king

    B.Merlin's advice

    C.the succession to the crown

    D.the quarrel among the powerful lords

  • 7Before becoming the King, Arthur _____ .

    A.was the first successor to the crown

    B.was raised somewhere other than the court

    C.was disclosed to be the predestined king

    D.a Celtic captain with magic power

  • 8The second paragraph makes it clear that _____ .

    A.the Arthur story reflects a historical transition in human civilization

    B.Arthur story is legendary and has no reallife basis

    C.Arthur story is greatly exaggerated and unbelievable

    D.Arthur story reflects people's good expectations of their leaders

  • 9According to the author,in terms of the respect he inspired,Arthur is comparable to _____ .

    A.a modern hero

    B.a tribe leader

    C.a modern scientist

    D.a blacksmith
