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What might be one of the implications of the findings、


A.To change people's biological rhythms for different jobs.

B.To make better use of the brain.

C.To help people sleep well.

D.To suit people to the pace of modern lif


  • 1The pupose of the experiments with hamsters was to _____ .

    A.find out how the clock works

    B.locate the clock

    C.compare two kinds of clock in hamsters

    D.explore the possibility of altering the clock

  • 2Before the year 1988, neuroscientsts _____ .

    A.knew little about the location of the biological clock

    B.had been searching for the clock for a long time

    C.never thought of looking for the clock in the brain

    D.thought that the clock was located in body tissues

  • 3The expression“risk being eclipsed on the world stage”(the last sentence in paragraph 3)means _____ .

    A.risk being overpowered by other nations

    B.risk being invaded by other countries

    C.risk being left behind other countries economically

    D.risk being many colonies

  • 4The Roosevelt example is used to _____ .

    A.support the traditional view about the U.S

    B.refute the view of the recent“revisionists”

    C.refute the Monroe Doctrine

    D.support Roosevelt's foreign policy

  • 5By calling it an“informal empire”(the second sentence in paragraph 2), these revisionists meant that the U.S. _____ .

    A.had not become a real power yet

    B.had not occupied enough territory abroad

    C.was not yet economically strong enough

    D.carried out a policy of economic aggression

  • 6Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage、

    A.The biological clock is different among hamsters.

    B.The biological clock is automatic and can't be altered.

    C.The biological rhythms can be altered with operation.

    D.The SCN is the central part of the nervous system.

  • 7The writer's attitude toward nuclear energy is _____ .





  • 8Some people claim that nuclear energy is essential because _____ .

    A.it can meet the growing demand of an industrially developing society

    B.it represents an enormous step forward in our scientific evolution

    C.it provides a perfect solution to mass unemployment

    D.nuclear power stations can be run and maintained by relatively few technical and administrative staff

  • 9Which of the following statements does the writer support、

    A.Nuclear energy is something we cannot do without.

    B.The demand for commercial products will not necessarily keep increasing.

    C.Uranium is a good source of energy for economic and ecological reasons.

    D.Greater safety provisions can bring about the expansion of nuclear energy programs.

  • 10The function of the last sentence is to _____ .

    A.advance the final argument

    B.reverse previously expressed thoughts

    C.reflect the writer's attitude

    D.show the disadvantages of nuclear power
