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Which of the following is not the fault caused by consensual Japanese method according to the text、


A.Jobs are allocated by age.

B.People all work unnecessary long hours,

C.Female and foreign senior roles are scarcely seen.

D.Many Japanese firms are operating on a global scal


  • 1What does "their Japanese counterparts are comfortable in their obscurity" in the first paragraph mean、

    A.Japanese bosses are more inclined to direct a group endeavor rather than personal accomplishment.

    B.Japanese bosses often do not like to appear on magazine covers.

    C.It is rather hard to get close to Japanese bosses.

    D.Japanese bosses' images are often obscure in people's eyes.

  • 2According to the text, what does "Acad mie Francaise" refer to、

    A.An institute that aims at protecting the purity of language.

    B.An institute established by France to promote French education in the world.

    C.An institute of France that have all the renowned scholars in France.

    D.C.An institute of France that have all the renowned scholars in Franc

    E.D.An institute of higher education in France, especially famous for its authentic language education.

  • 3Which of the following may NOT be the reason of language integration according to the text、

    A.Cultural communication.

    B.International trades.

    C.Colonism, emigration and immigration.

    D.Internal motivation of languages.

  • 4Why does the author quote the paintings by Giuseppe Arcimboldo、

    A.Language is like vegetables and fruits.

    B.Language is composed of various colourful elements.

    C.Language can be seen as various pictures.

    D.Most words in languages have their origins in vegetables or fruits.

  • 5What is the trend in the English language that this book emphasizes、

    A.The English language is becoming assimilated with other languages.

    B.Differences between languages are more and more obvious.

    C.The English language is always absorbing words from other languages and turning them into its own.

    D.The English language is gradually losing its linguistic vitality.

  • 6Why do the critics say Mr. Kosaku Shima could only exist in fiction、

    A.He is a cartoon figure.

    B.His way of managing a company breaks all the existing norms of Japanese business circle.

    C.Many managers are afraid that his existence will disrupt the existing harmony.

    D.People cannot learn from his way of operating a company.

  • 7Which of the following best illustrates the meaning of nemawashi、

    A.An important decision is made by the boss himself.

    B.An important decision is made by the boss and senior managers.

    C.An important decision is made by all the salarymen in the company.

    D.An important decision is made by the boss with the points of view of all the members being directed into consensus.

  • 8What is author's opinion on the consensus of Japanese workplace、

    A.It helps companies accept new marching orders quickly.

    B.It helps companies make decisions more rationally and effectively.

    C.It drains companies' effectiveness already.

    D.It is a unique sign of Japanese enterprise cultur

  • 9According to the text, which of the following is TRUE、

    A.Southdale will be closed soon.

    B.Shopping malls are flourishing all over the world.

    C.After long time of prosperity, shopping malls in US is gradually declining.

    D.Shopping mall is an American creation.

  • 10Which of the following is not the impact that shopping malls exert on daily life in US、

    A.People's shopping habits have been largely transformed.

    B.Urban economy has been boosted and thus operated on large scale.

    C.A new pop culture has been fostered by shopping malls.

    D.B.Urban economy has been boosted and thus operated on large scal

    E.C.A new pop culture has been fostered by shopping malls.D.Shopping malls completely replaced traditional groceries and alike.
