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According to the author, health-savings plans will


A.help reduce the cost of healthcare.

B.popularize among the middle class.

C.compensate for the reduced pensions.

D.increase the families’ investment risk.


  • 1As a result of President Bush’s reform, retired people may have

    A.a higher sense of security.

    B.less secured payments.

    C.less chance to invest.

    D.a guaranteed futur

  • 2Today’s double-income families are at greater financial risk in that

    A.the safety net they used to enjoy has disappeared.

    B.their chances of being laid off have greatly increased.

    C.they are more vulnerable to changes in family economics.

    D.B.their chances of being laid off have greatly increased.C.they are more vulnerable to changes in family economics.D.they are deprived of unemployment or disability insuranc

  • 3What is the author’s attitude towards IQ tests、





  • 4We can conclude from the last paragraph that

    A.test scores may not be reliable indicators of one’s ability.

    B.IQ scores and SAT results are highly correlated.

    C.testing involves a lot of guesswork.

    D.C.testing involves a lot of guesswork.D.traditional test are out of dat

  • 5People nowadays can no longer achieve IQ scores as high as vos Savant’s because

    A.the scores are obtained through different computational procedures.

    B.creativity rather than analytical skills is emphasized now.

    C.vos Savant’s case is an extreme one that will not repeat.

    D.the defining characteristic of IQ tests has changed.

  • 6It can be inferred from the last paragraph that

    A.financial risks tend to outweigh political risks.

    B.the middle class may face greater political challenges.

    C.financial problems may bring about political problems.

    D.financial responsibility is an indicator of political status.

  • 7Which of the following is the best title for this text、

    A.The Middle Class on the Alert

    B.The Middle Class on the Cliff

    C.The Middle Class in Conflict

    D.The Middle Class in Ruins

  • 8The statement “It never rains but it pours” is used to introduce

    A.the fierce business competition.

    B.the feeble boss-board relations.

    C.the threat from news reports.

    D.the severity of data leakag

  • 9According to Paragraph 2, some organizations check their systems to find out

    A.whether there is any weak point.

    B.what sort of data has been stolen.

    C.who is responsible for the leakage.

    D.how the potential spies can be located.

  • 10In bringing up the concept of GASP the author is making the point that

    A.shareholders’ interests should be properly attended to.

    B.information protection should be given due attention.

    C.businesses should enhance their level of accounting security.

    D.the market value of customer data should be emphasized.
