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Besides reducing human labor, robots can also ________.


A.make a few decisions for themselves

B.deal with some errors with human intervention

C.improve factory environments

D.cultivate human creativity


  • 1According to the text, what is beyond man’s ability now is to design a robot that can ________.

    A.fulfill delicate tasks like performing brain surgery

    B.interact with human beings verbally

    C.have a little common sense

    D.respond independently to a changing world

  • 2The word “gizmos” (Line 1, Paragraph 2) most probably means ________.





  • 3Human ingenuity was initially demonstrated in ________.

    A.the use of machines to produce science fiction

    B.the wide use of machines in manufacturing industry

    C.the invention of tools for difficult and dangerous work

    D.the elite’s cunning tackling of dangerous and boring work

  • 4The best title for the text may be ________.

    A.Use Humor Effectively

    B.Various Kinds of Humor

    C.Add Humor to Speech

    D.Different Humor Strategies

  • 5To achieve the desired result, humorous stories should be delivered ________.

    A.in well-worded language

    B.as awkwardly as possible

    C.in exaggerated statements

    D.as casually as possible

  • 6The author uses the example of a monkey to argue that robots are ________.

    A.expected to copy human brain in internal structure

    B.able to perceive abnormalities immediately

    C.far less able than human brain in focusing on relevant information

    D.best used in a controlled environment

  • 7The main reason for the latest rise of oil price is ________.

    A.global inflation

    B.reduction in supply

    C.fast growth in economy

    D.Iraq’s suspension of exports

  • 8It can be inferred from the text that the retail price of petrol will go up dramatically if ________.

    A.price of crude rises

    B.commodity prices rise

    C.consumption rises

    D.oil taxes rise

  • 9The estimates in Economic Outlook show that in rich countries ________.

    A.heavy industry becomes more energy-intensive

    B.income loss mainly results from fluctuating crude oil prices

    C.manufacturing industry has been seriously squeezed

    D.oil price changes have no significant impact on GDP

  • 10We can draw a conclusion from the text that ________.

    A.oil-price shocks are less shocking now

    B.inflation seems irrelevant to oil-price shocks

    C.energy conservation can keep down the oil prices

    D.the price rise of crude leads to the shrinking of heavy industry
