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A man’s first job ________.


A.is never the right job for him

B.should not be regarded as his final job

C.should not be changed or people will become suspicious of his ability to hold any job

D.is primarily an opportunity to fit himself for his final job


  • 1During your training period, it is important ________.

    A.to try to be a generalist

    B.to choose a profitable job

    C.to find an organization which fits you

    D.to decide whether you are fit to be a specialist or a generalist

  • 2The administrator is ________.

    A.a “trained” man who is more a specialist than a generalist

    B.a man who sees the trees as well as the forest

    C.a man who is very strong in the humanities

    D.a man who is an “educated” specialist

  • 3The specialist is ________.

    A.a man whose job is to train other people

    B.a man who has been trained in more than one fields

    C.a man who can see the forest rather than the trees

    D.a man whose concern is mainly with technical or professional matters

  • 4There is an increasing demand for ________.

    A.all round people in their own fields

    B.people whose job is to organize other people’s work

    C.generalists whose educational background is either technical or professional

    D.specialists whose chief concern is to provide administrative guidance to others

  • 5________ is no reason for discharging her.

    A.Because she was a few minutes late

    B.Owing to a few minutes being late

    C.The fact that she was a few minutes late

    D.Being a few minutes late

  • 6The best title for this selection would be ________.


    B.Land of Opportunity

    C.The Unknown Continent

    D.Utopia at Last

  • 7At the time this article was written, our knowledge of Antarctica was ________.

    A.very limited


    C.fairly rich


  • 8Antarctica is bordered by the ________.

    A.Pacific Ocean

    B.Indian Ocean

    C.Atlantic Ocean

    D.All three

  • 9The Antarctic is made uninhabitable primarily by ________.

    A.cold air

    B.calm seas


    D.lack of knowledge about the continent

  • 10According to this article ________.

    A.2,000 people live on the Antarctic Continent

    B.a million people live within 2,000 miles of the South Pole

    C.weather conditions within a 2,000 mile radius of the South Pole make settlements impractical

    D.only a handful of natives inhabit Antarctica
