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Why would the feather cloaks be more easily found in European countriesthan in Hawaii、


A.They were brought out by Captain James Cook.

B.They were traded in exchange for supply of food and drinks.

C.They were fewer feather cloaks found in Hawaii.

D.They were brought out by Brigham.


  • 1It is clear from the passage that before the arrival of Captain Cook Hawaiian society was ______ .

    A.lacking in religious organization

    B.peaceful and prosperous

    C.rigidly class structured

    D.lacking in practical skills

  • 2Feathers used in making cloaks were gathered mainly by ______ .

    A.high-ranking women

    B.high-ranking men

    C.people of low rank

    D.powerful male chiefs

  • 3The passage suggests that Hawaiian feather cloaks were made only by [CD#4] .

    A.ordinary citizens

    B.men of high status

    C.battle prisoners


  • 4The early ship captains who visited Hawaii were ______ .

    A.convinced of the usefulness of the feather cloaks

    B.inclined to overestimate the availability of the feather cloaks

    C.aware of the historical and cultural significance of the feather cloaks

    D.curious about what the natives thought of the feather cloaks

  • 5Why is a “secondary succession” quicker、

    A.The ground is more suitable.

    B.There is more space for new plants.

    C.Birds and animals bring new seeds.

    D.It is supported by the forest.[ZK)]

  • 6The organization of brain is characterized by ____ .

    A.the interior of the skull

    B.different regions responsible for different functions

    C.the outer layer-the cerebral cortex

    D.the nerve cells densely packed

  • 7According to the passage, a dog can still move in a coorinated manner,will eat and sleep, and even bark when ____ is (are) removed.

    A.nerve cells

    B.the skull

    C.the hemispheres

    D.the cerebral cortex

  • 8The word “seat” in line 10 of the first paragraph means ____.

    A.a chair

    B.part of the body

    C.place where something is or where something is carried on 


  • 9The visual part of the cortex is especially interesting because____.

    A.specific layers of neurons are sensitive to particular orientations of input stimuli.

    B.much of the structure is genetically predetermined

    C.horizontal lines are stimulated

    D.vertical lines are stimulated

  • 10Which of the following headings is the best title for this passage、

    A.The Cerebral Cortex.

    B.The specific Layers of Neurons.

    C.The Organization of the Brain.

    D.The Cerebral Hemispheres.
