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Which of the following words is used literally, NOT metaphorically、


A.Abrasive (Paragraph Five).

B.Engines (Paragraph Four).

C.Convention (Paragraph Two).

D.Heavily (Paragraph One).


  • 1Orwell's picture of relations between man and wife in Wigan Pier (Paragraph Two) describes arelationship which the author of the passage

    A.thinks is the natural one.

    B.wishes to see preserved.

    C.believes is fair.

    D.C.believes is fair.D.is sure must chang

  • 2Paragraph One advises the working wife who is more successful than her husband to

    A.work in the same sort of job as her husband.

    B.play down her success, making it sound unimportant.

    C.stress how much the family gains from her high salary.

    D.B.play down her success, making it sound unimportant.C.stress how much the family gains from her high salary.D.introduce more labour-saving machinery into the hom

  • 3Which of the following best describes the author's development of argument、

    A.introducing the issue---citing ways to deal with the issue---~describing the actual status---offering reasons.

    B.describing the actual status--- introducing the issue---citing ways to deal with the issue---offering reasons.

    C.citing ways to deal with the issue---introducing the issue----describing the actual status---offering reasons.

    D.describing the actual status--offering reasons---introducing the issue---citing ways to deal with the issu

  • 4In the author's opinion American firms are not doing anything to deal with the issue of theageing workforce mainly because

    A.they have not been aware of the problem.

    B.they are reluctant to hire older workers.

    C.they are not sure of what they should do.

    D.they have other options to consider.

  • 5"The company spends 'a lot of time' on the ergonomics of its factories" (Paragraph Seven)means that

    A.the company attaches great importance to the layout of its factories.

    B.the company improves the working conditions in its factories.

    C.the company attempts to reduce production costs of its factories.

    D.the company intends to renovate its factories and update equipment.

  • 6The last paragraph stresses that if women are to hold important jobs, then they must

    A.sometimes make the first advances in love.

    B.allow men to flirt with many women.

    C.stop accepting presents of flowers and chocolates.

    D.avoid making their husbands look like "Mary Anns".

  • 7Which of the following statements is INCORRECT about the present form of courtship、

    A.Men are equally serious about courtship.

    B.Each man "makes passes" at many women.

    C.The woman's reaction decides the fate of courtship.

    D.The man leaves himself the opportunity to give up the chase quickly.

  • 8Which of the following words in Paragraph One implies difficulty in walking、





  • 9In the passage the contrast between the Tibetans and the man is indicated in all the followingaspects EXCEPT



    C.social status.

    D.personal belongings.

  • 10It can be inferred from the passage that one can get ______ of the region from themonastery.

    A.a narrow view

    B.a hazy view

    C.a distant view

    D.a panoramic view
